How to set tabs to open when launched
lando242 last edited by
Go into options and look for 'On startup'. Set it to 'Open a specific page or set of pages' and then set the pages you would like to open.
kirongosi33 last edited by
I am not talking of Opera START UP; I am talking of a new tab launched when you CTRL+LeftClick on a link
trek1701 last edited by
When using a mouse, click down on your mouse wheel when on a link. This will take you to the web site in a newly launched tab.
lem729 last edited by
Press the ctrl key when left clicking on the link for a new background tab (middle clicking creates a new background tab also)
ctrl shift when clicking on the link for a new foreground tab (shift middle click also works).
For extensions to try, here's an Opera extension, Open New Tab.
If you hold your click a bit longer, you get the new tab.
And here's a chrome extension, Click to Tab.
Remember, to download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension,
or Extension Source Viewer,