Every upgrade is an stress
barneybr last edited by 12 Mar 2015, 00:09
Ok, so I've been using Opera since... I don't know, maybe for the last 7 ou 8 years. Never found any other browser like it. Fast, intuitive and don't bothers me too much. Except when it upgrades. I f* hate it at every upgrade. Now, it upgraded to 28, and this time I lost my theme from the speed dial. Actually, at every upgrade, I may unvariable lose it. I remember that once it turned to a new model, and some themes that used to work on last versions wouldn't work anymore in the last recent one, so I never got to personalize it again, and upgrade after upgrade, I saw something change that wouldn't fit what I was already used to.
Other example: speed dial images. At one time, I got simple images, like it still is for LinkedIn, but it would fit all of my speed dials links. That wouldn't ask too much from my conection, and would be simple as f* not to have to reload every preview from the news site I visit every day because one image was too old and was already bothering me (yes, I get bothered by this!). And then it upgrade, went to a version where I had to. And upgrade again, back to simple imagens. A new one, and back to those images I had to reload to from times to times, and now, worst, I had to wait until it updated, or it would stop. I spend 1 hour (and nor my conection is that bad, nor I have all that much speed dial's entrances) so I could reload every and each one, because if I would hit reload button at more one that a time, it would last more 10min.
So, my point is: set one direction, and go for it. Please, don't change your mind so much. I liked old Opera Link, and I used to sinc some 2 or 3 computers, found that very usefull for when I decided to format my computer 2 or 3 times in a year, but now I don't even know where it is. Settings menu ain't no more like it used to be, which would allow me to fit it perfectly to my own use. And if when I started using it I found it perfect because it had so much settings, or add-ins, or any other thing I could set to my own use, and I felt like I was using all I had on it, now I feel like I only use 1% of it (never hit some buttons on the menu because I think none would be worth my time), and upgrade after upgrade, I get bothered on little things. So, please, all I want: upgraded it, but on a way I can keep my settings. Please. Sorry if I didn't post on the right section.
lando242 last edited by 12 Mar 2015, 01:07
Oh, another one of these threads. A long rant to the developers about how much they hate what Opera is doing... when no developers read this forum.
A Former User last edited by 12 Mar 2015, 02:35
@lando242 you're not helping at all and the worst: leaving a terrible impression about Opera.
Developers do read this forum occasionally at least, I hope. Imagine if they didn't read the forums, if they didn't listen to any feedback from users posted here? I'd be the first to lose my trust in them completely.
lando242 last edited by 12 Mar 2015, 03:01
Well, they don't. This is the tech support forum. I've seen a dev respond to a thread only twice since I've been here. The suggestion forum is where you go if you want to make an impact with them. Or even better reply to the announcement post on the blog after a release. I've seen devs actively participate in those dialogs every single time. Complaining in the tech support forum about the direction you want Opera to go is misguided at best. Its like nailing a letting to a telephone pole outside of the White House in the hopes that someone will see it on the way to work.
hyper67 last edited by 13 Mar 2015, 02:10
I usually take upgrades on trust, and just install them without too much thought. This time, however, I came unstuck. The theme has been change, and I cant change it back!
On reflection, I do have some general points about upgrades:-
Upgrades should be reversible - ie. if you don't like the new one, you can opt to go back to the last issue. (Very important!!!)
Developers should work more closely together with users, with a much greater flow of information. The requirement is to avoid unpleasant surprises when we upgrade.
Lando242 - I don't agree with your statements at all. I have just joined up, and this is my first post here. I got here by following the system Opera has provided. If it is wrong, and I am in the wrong place, then Opera should clean up its own mwess. It will probably do that after it has read though the comments here!
lando242 last edited by 13 Mar 2015, 02:37
Like I said, this is a user support forum. Opera does not have a paid tech support team thats just there to answer questions. As far as I know none of the major web browsers do. They provide these forums as a basic service to their users and we try our bests to answer each others questions.