Why Google of all search Engines? Why Opera WHY?
hockeypuck2015 last edited by
I am a fairly consciencious internet user. I don't wear a tinfoil hat, but I am security minded.
I prefer to use sites I trust, services I trust, and I take my internet privacy seriously as I think we all should. So in this light, I chose Opera because it was touted as much safer than Safari, Firefox etc. NOT being a programmer I have no idea which browsers are really brothers or shells of other browsers and all of that business.
A couple of months ago I updated to the new Opera browser and right before my eyes is a beautiful new browser, nice icons, and right at the top front and center is a big long GOOGLE search window that can't be moved or changed (or did I miss something because I'm not talking about the search window at the top right of the window/browser where you CAN choose various search engines.)
Google. Really? The search engine that is the most notorious for all that is wrong with the internet. (I'm sort of being funny here instead of trying to list the specific privacy issues I have with google which are all very real, and very disturbing).
So I'm curious. A browser that says it doesn't track or trace you (excuse if this isn't IT specific terminology) but using a notorious browser that I and millions of others loathe. Why Opera. Why?
Sure I can just opt to use the tiny search window at the top right as I do. I'm considering dropping Opera for a Aviator browser because of this Google nonsense.
I feel like Opera has been compromised.
l33t4opera last edited by admin
GOOGLE search window that can't be moved or changed
Hi @hockeypuck2015. if you want to hide it, then please have a look here.
hockeypuck2015 last edited by
Sorry, in my original post I meant to say in the third to last sentence: "but using a notorious SEARCH ENGINE that I and millions of others loathe." Google is not a browser, it was a slip.
blackbird71 last edited by
Not sure what the window above means?
@l33t4opera's message up above has a URL link to another forum post hidden behind the final word "here". Go to that linked-URL post and you'll find instructions for how to hide the search box that offends you. Your complaints about Opera's inclusion of Google have already been made before in these forums, many times over. The reality is that Opera will do what they wish, when they wish, for reasons that matter to them, so there's not much else you can do about this right now except hide the search box.
peterx666 last edited by
Its a good point tho - why was the default not www.kproxy.com or startpage these allow you to search on google without being subjected to google snooping!
Still I got rid of the default and put these two in speed dial so I am fireproof noW?
blackbird71 last edited by
... why was the default not www.kproxy.com or startpage these allow you to search on google without being subjected to google snooping! ...
There are many explanations, speculations, and genuine reasons that have previously been given in numerous threads before this one. I won't even attempt to reprise them here, other than to simply summarize that Opera did it for reasons that matter to them. Given that it's a free browser, we as users either accept that until Opera changes it or else move on.