Opera 27 final release
emoller last edited by
Hi, we're currently hard at work with the sync feature and we tied the new icon to the release of that feature.
Deleted User last edited by
Hi, we're currently hard at work with the sync feature and we tied the new icon to the release of that feature.
Thank for the information.
dewey3k last edited by
For several years I have used Opera on my Android tablets to play the Guardian cryptic crosswords. Opera is the only browser that renders the crosswords properly. The big issue is that other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc) will enter all letters in a single box. With Opera, after entering a single letter, the cursor would automatically advance to the next cell. However, the latest update has destroyed that functionality. Now all letters enter in a single cell just like all other browsers.
Opera is OK but for an Android user nothing can beat Chrome. Chrome is fully integrated and it automatically syncs with Google Search and Google Maps and across all platforms including Desktop/Laptop. Opera browser cannot even get its own "Opera Link" to function. So other than the functionality with these puzzles, Opera had nothing. Now it doesn't even have that.
An example of the Guardian puzzle can be found here: http://www.theguardian.com/crosswords/cryptic/26482
emoller last edited by
@dewey3k I'm sorry if cryptic crosswords were the only reason for you to use Opera for Android. I for one couldn't live without text-wrap... squinting my eyes every time I need to browse the web on my full HD phone just doesn't cut it for me. It makes me feel too old!
Whenever I travel (which I do a lot) I also like to turn on Off-Road mode to make my 50MB of roaming data last that little bit longer.It's strange that the cryptic crossword worked in Opera 26 but not in 27 (I've checked and you're right) as we haven't changed anything about input elements. Even more strange is the fact that it would work in Opera and not in Chrome as we share the same input implementation. Since it doesn't work in any mobile browser The Guardian has most likely, as we professionals like to say, done something dodgy in their source.
I've reached out to The Guardians technical support email and offered my help to fix the input issue in their cryptic crosswords. I'll keep you posted if they reply. We'd be sad to see you go.
mele1986 last edited by
yeah i like te off-road mode and text warp.. i love opera for many many years my big problem is that now on new opera i cant open many tabs with out auto-reloading .. not even 2-3 tabs.. some html5 videos are not behave good like live streams .. and toooo much yellow cat "ops something has gone wrong please reload or go to another page" i have very good idea how you to fix this!.. simple just when it crash in that same second fast auto-reload so wee will not even see this crash page.. first work on stable than speed.. and do you plan to make opera Lab version with extentions like opera 12 mobile Lab?
mele1986 last edited by
after 3-4 min browsing i had one Crash and 5 problems
first 2 page didnt load (ups something get wrong) tird page open player live stream but the contorl was left in corner just where the video was.. and it should be down in whole screan.. the loading is little slow.. i use opera classic versiob and is faster then opera broswer.. i also use Opera 12 mobile lab version with much extention and is faster and more stable than opera 27... so you tell me how is possible presto to be faster and more stable than chromium... i think is not chromium.. i think you didnt doo the job rightso i will continue to use opera 12 on android till you start listen people and be like you were.. now there is vivaldi on desktop if they come to android they will beat you in 3 first versions
emoller last edited by
@mele1986 Presto was a nice little engine, I used to work in the network and later graphics team that built it and yes it's widely known that there is no other browser engine that can compete with its memory consumption. We weighed every kB on a silver scale when we implemented features and that made it compact and also very fast...back then.
Unfortunately it was very costly to maintain the engine and we faced some really huge challenges moving it across to modern hardware which had full HD displays and multiple CPU cores. Not to mention web compatibility which was the arch enemy of Presto... if you are an old user of Presto I'm sure you haven't forgotten about that.
The decision was made to switch to Chromium and I truly think it was the right move. The philosophy there has always been speed first, memory second which does make it way more memory hungry than Presto. Nowadays we're working to make Chromium less memory hungry without loosing performance, one example is our texture compression changes we've been working on upstreaming (as in sharing with Chromium) for some months. That patch will cut the memory usage of textures down to 1/8 of the original size.
Yes, if you're on a device with barely enough memory to run Opera for Android then it might not be the browser for you. That's why we've left Opera Classic in GP. Many people are happily using Classic and we're thrilled they do.
Like you I'm glad to see the Vivaldi team having a stab at making a browser, I know several of them. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a slimmer Android browser though, they've chosen Chromium as their browser engine.
mele1986 last edited by
@emoller thank you for your reply yes chromium is much more compatible today. and there is much space for improving.. i would like to see some new features i hope that opera team will discuss for some of them like : night mode,when im on youtube i think your player dose not show the best quality video, option to lock your player so when we press somthing by mistake or some notification pomp out player should continue to work fine. and i hope i could make like minimum 2-3 tabs with out auto-refresh. there should be one button in the menu not only in settings to change the page faster frome mobile/desktop version. and please please add to discover page option to add news by Url like rss so i could read my favorite pages there it would be much more fun if we could add our favorite news and articles .. thank you so much Opera and @emoller i love you all
emoller last edited by
@sidneyneto we generally don't talk about release dates publicly. It's no rocket surgery to reverse engineer our release schedule though. Roughly 6 week release cycles with a beta somewhere in the middle.
Deleted User last edited by
@mele1986 thanks for the feedback. We're looking into the youtube issue. This type of issue is often caused by youtube doing browser-sniffing and sending different content to Opera than to Chrome.
That's a polite saying for "Google Services suck big time"; Gplay is in war even with Chrome Browser. For the record youtube app may have a bad echo in JW player v6, if youtube app is not used (like never) then Opera Mobile browser refuse to play media file. So it's better to check a site with jw media first in case that Youtube 'reset' some background processes. Player's bar grayed out feels a generic problem most likely.
mele1986 last edited by
i notice that youtube site now have option on left corner for HQ videos before pressing play button so the quality of videos is fixed if you press the HQ button which is not pressed by default (which it should be because most of users watch youtube on wifi noo need for saving data ).
i want to report one more BIG bug
when i try to add picture on facebook it opens dialog to choose app example gallery and i select picture and after that most of the times the page is reloading with no upload.. im not sure maybe better phones have faster quad core processor and more ram memory so they can do that with no problem.. and the Facebook on opera its little frizzing compere to some other browsers. -
emoller last edited by
@mele1986 if you could it would be great if you could go into the settings menu and click "Report a problem" and fill out as detailed instructions as possible on how to reproduce it. I tried it on my Nexus5 and it works just fine there.
Videos of the issue occurring are extremely helpful as it's easy to misunderstand written instructions. If you do report the issue, let me know once you've reported it and I'll track it down. -
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @sidneyneto, the Opera 28 stable for Android, has been uploaded to the ftp servers
\m/ :cheers:
Congrats, Opera Mobile Team! :love:
Deleted User last edited by
Opera 28b2 is on Play Store since 08032015. That counts since Opera 22 is my main browser.