Is there a way to disable the "Content Blocked" warning?
ur-86 last edited by
Opera should have a setting to disable this warning. I know that the content I'm looking at is coming from an insecure site, but I trust that site. I can unblock it once, but I want to unblock it forever for specific pages. Please give us that option.
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @ur-86: you can disable it by running the "launcher.exe" together with the command line switch, as is mentioned below, but please be aware that you use it on your own risk:
"Although not recommended, you can also use the command line flag --allow-running-insecure-content to prevent Chrome from checking for insecure content." - the source link,
"Note: I don't approve that you do this, but you have asked for this, hence I'm providing you with a way to do it", "The permanent answer is to fix the offending website." - the source link.
In conclusion, the final note to consider, why you should not to do that - let me to cite the reply by Daniel Aleksandersen:
"Please contact the sites you see this alert on and ask them to fix their sites. The warning is there because the page author failed to take care of their own security." - the source link.
blackbird71 last edited by admin
I believe what you're asking for is a site-preference kind of setting to allow mixed content, but only on certain sites. The setting(s) currently available in Opera are for global relaxation of mixed content blocking... and, as such, carry much greater risks. This request probably ought to be posted as a suggestion over in the forum, though frankly, I imagine it would rank rather low on the developers' priority list (given its urgency level and the likely complexity of implementation).
ur-86 last edited by
Yeah, I would like to have this for individual sites, because I don't trust every single site with this, but it's actually a problem with the pages and not Opera. I'll try to get this to the right person. It's a bit difficult to find out where the problem lies because it happens when using (page) with Reddit Enhancement Suite (extension) and the feature to convert gifs to webm. The site that does the converting is probably insecure, it seems. Now I only have to find out what site that is.
ur-86 last edited by
I just realized I already posted that issue:
I hope they fix it some time, but it seems that noone even looked at it. -
A Former User last edited by
Of course you could do this easily in Opera 12 with the site preferences.
Just saying........
blackbird71 last edited by
Of course you could do this easily in Opera 12 with the site preferences.
Just saying........I don't think Presto Opera versions allow any display of mixed content, by design... and they don't provide a way to bypass that behavior, either under site preferences or global settings. That was a rather common complaint of users (regarding the 'blocking' error message), especially back in the MyOpera days. Opera blocked mixed content because it was properly deemed a violation of standards surrounding https (and a noteworthy security risk), though other browsers often ignored it and allowed mixed content.
If you mean that it would be easier to implement it in Presto Opera because it already is architected for a number of other site preferences, that may or may not be true. Without a look at the code, it's risky to generalize too much either way.
A Former User last edited by
Well you can certainly easily disable the content blocker on a site by site basis in Opera 12, it's an option under the content tab of the site preferences.
I thought that's what the OP was after being able to do.
blackbird71 last edited by
Well you can certainly easily disable the content blocker on a site by site basis in Opera 12, it's an option under the content tab of the site preferences.
I thought that's what the OP was after being able to do.Hmm. After re-reading the initial post in the light of your comment, perhaps you're right. I took his "content blocked warning" to refer to the site-block alert Opera gives when encountering mixed content on an https site... but he may indeed have referred to the message that arises from generic content blocking, and that does have a site-preference capability under Presto Opera, as you note. I guess only the OP knows for certain which he meant. In any case, I don't believe either kind of situation can be unblocked on a per-site basis in the new Opera.