Share a Picture
Deleted User last edited by
What was your point in the picture of the half-naked woman? You didn't write anything.
Deleted User last edited by
On Oct. 17 you posted an image of a scantily clad woman and linked it to her Facebook page with no other comment. THAT is the image to which I refer.
Deleted User last edited by
You see, Joshl, this is where you lose your credibility with me. I've pointed out an inconsistency in your remarks and yet you still refuse to admit to it but simply go into denial and play cute with me as though it's all a joke. Oh... that can't be a woman. And yet when you follow the link to her FB page, she's a woman alright. Honesty and being forthright are important indications of a person's real character. You might want to think about this.
From her FB page: Model and Actress
In the summer of 2003, Lucy was spotted by a freelance photographer while sunbathing on Bournemouth beach. As a result of the photographs taken that day, she signed a professional modeling contract with the Daily Star newspaper which thrust her into the public eye, this garnered an immediate and loyal fan base, and her modeling career snowballed from there.
A Former User last edited by
Shut up!
If it's a manikin, then it is the point. If it's not - nothing bad's happened anyway. -
Deleted User last edited by
What HAS HAPPENED is that YOU have been shown to be a hypocrite and someone who cannot admit when he is wrong. You posted on the 27th following my picture of a brick wall asking where my description was. There was none for the simple reason that I was unaware that any was needed. The title of the thread is "Share a Picture" which is exactly what I had done. When I then responded with a picture that contained a description to "satisfy you" you countered with: "Not to satisfy me. A shared picture must have a point."
I then asked you: "What was your point in the picture of the half-naked woman? You didn't write anything."
Now here is where it gets interesting.
Your responses from that post on have clearly revealed your hypocrisy. Rather than admit there was no point to your picture nor was there any description as you questioned me for lacking, you began denying the naked woman was a real woman (although I've proven to you that she is indeed a real woman which I believe you knew perfectly well all along). In addition you then said that "nothing bad's happened anyway."
Really? Nothing bad has happened anyway? Well, I disagree in that something bad HAS happened and it has nothing to do with your decision to include a scantily clad woman but rather in your refusal to admit that you were wrong and to pretend it was all a big joke. THAT, my young, misguided friend is where you fail miserably in this forum. You're always so eager to accuse me of being this and that and yet when I reverse the tables on you and demonstrate your inconsistent behavior you don't like it and you cry long and loud, "Unfair. Shut up!"
My suggestion to you, joshl, is simple: "Be a man for a change and admit when you are wrong. Be honest. Stop trying to play games with people when you realize they know what you're up to AND yes... even before then." I hope that's enough for this series of exchanges but I suspect you will not take kindly to the exposure. Am I right?
Deleted User last edited by
Yes, you did. Furthermore, everyone reading this thread who has even a modicum of intelligence now knows exactly the sort of person you are. Do you really want that, joshl? Because of your pride (and immaturity) you've exposed yourself by lying and through hypocrisy. I'm not going to let this go until you either apologize OR at least admit the truth. Now you can continue to deny it but that would only make things worse for you OR you can put me on your ignore list and I'll drop the matter. But I have no intentions of dropping this and letting you off the hook, so to speak. The ball is in your court.
A Former User last edited by
And by the way, from the title and OP:
<h1>Share a Picture
Something of interest, or of beauty...
So I insist your quarrel about the terms of this thread makes no good to the thread.
You share pictures that may a) interest others in a way (if they might not understand your point - you'd better say a coupl'a words)
b) represent some human understanding of what's beautiful (like ---ing naked women, o'k? you personally don't like naked women?).
You surely may consider other categories - as long as your shared pictures make sense and can be understood by other Operaforums users in one way or another (with a sort of description or "speaking for themselves"). And I can assure you, while I never mind brick walls, cement walls, tile floors, whatever, I strongly believe most people would consider women MUCH more entertaining than window-frames, roof sidings and other constructional stuff. -
Deleted User last edited by
There are a lot of pictures you posted here that do not have a description.
A Former User last edited by
Stop posting off topic, please - I've already shown the parsing of what this thread's about. You can read.
Now a note about the sizes. (@sidneyneto)
I can realise why somebody would not understand the necessity of certain limits - they have good hardware, good browser, good connection...
Still, there are others.As this thread is meant entirely for images (only; various metadata are auxiliary), imagine the weight of an entire page full of images.
And myself personally noticed that in most (all) of my browsers ANY showing/rendering of an image up/close to (or more than) 1 MB takes, say, an effort: even while scrolling through the ALREADY FULLY LOADED page, such images "blink" (as if loading anew) - every time.So the rule is: post an image up to 1 MB, or a SLIGHT bit higher - IF you have to choose between a [presumably worse], say, 500 kB one and, say, 1.1 MB. BUT - try to avoid ANY higher size images when you post MORE THAN ONE in the same post.
It's simple, I guess.That's all, thank everybody for their consideration, let's go back to topic - namely sharing pictures.
Deleted User last edited by
No, we will not return to the topic at hand until you're ready to admit what you've been trying to do. I'm very clear on what this thread is all about and I was clear when I posted my image of the brick wall. I followed all the so-called rules set for sharing the image so there is no point in repeating them above. You, however, questioned my first image by asking where the description was which was clearly NOT part of the rules established. When I pointed that out to you, rather than admit you were wrong you proceeded to create an argument. YOU are the perpetrator of the arguing here. I'm simply defending myself and exposing you for what you are and evidently you can't take it.
You are trying to obfuscate, Joshl, but you're only fooling yourself and no one else. I have clearly demonstrated your hypocrisy for all to see so I'm not going to repeat it. Clearly anyone can see what you are now doing and I'm afraid that this doesn't let you off the hook. You're simply digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself and are beginning to show another side (and not a pretty one I might add). I've nothing against your NAKED woman (or as you first tried to claim: manikin). You simply have tried to use this to divert attention away from your hypocrisy but I'm not that dense nor are others.
Grow up. Start acting like a mature and honest human being and admit when you are wrong as you clearly are now. Enough said?
A Former User last edited by
Just a road.
It's not "just a road" - it's a beautiful composition*
Thank you. -
Deleted User last edited by
No description... LOL
Good stuff, sidney. I wonder where it leads to?I don't see every picture with description, so I did not put one.