Will Opera ever again be as good as the old one was?
A Former User last edited by
Google Chrome is not useless. Though it lacks something which both Opera (real) and Firefox have.
NuOpera, however, furthermore lacks something that Google Chrome has, so... According to what I've learned on these forums, I mean... -
A Former User last edited by
Dozens of reasons, for example it doesn't even have CTRL+Z function anymore. I've started noticing useful program functions missing out one by one. Is the goal just to have a HTML parser and nothing else.
I am very seriously considering that Opera designers are either being blackmailed or they are exposed to some toxic matter inside the building they work...
Deleted User last edited by
The devs implemented awesome bookmarks, sync came back in latest developer version, you can import from others browsers. The new speed dial is amazing. I don't have any problem with it. The devs are in the right way whether you like it or not.
A Former User last edited by
I tried to bookmark a page and I got some childish pictures started coming out, so didn't use it any more.
I don't use sync, because I use my devices in a different way. What I do on my desktop computer I don't do on a smartphone and vice versa- just as any serious computer user does. I don't run simulations or generate anaglyph 3D mathematical functions on my smartphone. Only thing that overlap are cat pics and fail videos, but I don't kinda need bookmarks for that.
Speed dial is lame. When I want to add a site to a speed dial, I can't just type in an address because it opens up a new screen... and new screens mean waste of time.
No they are not right. If you wanted a browser like this you could have used a Chrome from the beginning. This is what one would call an "Opera for 16 year old girls", so I'm still waiting for an "Opera for Normal people" version.
Does anyone think it will come out any time soon?
linuxmint7 last edited by
Though the wether is bad
It's whether or weather, not wether. Unless you mean wither, wetter or wet her ?.
lem729 last edited by
The devs implemented awesome bookmarks, sync came back in latest developer version, you can import from others browsers. The new speed dial is amazing. I don't have any problem with it. The devs are in the right way whether you like it or not.
The new Experimental Speed dial is somewhere between disappointing and awful. While I have been a strong advocate of Opera Blink, this candy-tinsel dial with the loud, gaudy icons (in place of thumbnails), the lack of captions for folders, the making of themes and wallpaper useless in the face of the loud, glaring icons is a big step backwards. The classic Speed Dial with folders (still there if you if you go to Opera Flags) (but who knows for how long?) was for me the heart and soul of the New Opera.
Deleted User last edited by
what one would call an "Opera for 16 year old girls", so I'm still waiting for an "Opera for Normal people" version.
Do you enjoy your assholism? We dont call you a 16 year old crying baby boy, do we?
Comparing something with girls to show bad quality or useful for dumb females is so fucked off!Use Opera 12 and you'll be happy. But stop ranting in such bad manner.