Getting Her Going, Leushino
linuxmint7 last edited by
[Thanks, Moderators]
No problem, and it wasn't too far off topic. Well it did mention Opera every now and again.
Us Mods are not a bad bunch really, I mean we're pretty tolerant considering the amount of spam and other junk we have to deal with on a regular basis.
Right, now where's that delete button...
Deleted User last edited by
Truly sorry, Lem... got too far away from Business. If I right click on a BM on the BM bar, and select "Open in new tab"... yes, a new tab does come up, but it is 'grey' and 'behind', not 'active and showing'. I am used to opening ANYTHING 'in new tab' and having it become the active, front page, visible, page.
lem729 last edited by
This Chrome extension "Bookmarked Tabs to the Front," will do it for you. Any time you click on a bookmarked link now, it should open in the foreground with the extension.
Now I don't know if you've downloaded a Chrome extension yet in Opera 24, so this will be a good exercise. Once you can get this to work, you can use, if you choose, any extension in the Chrome store, as well as the Opera add-on extensions. Here's the nit on the Chrome extensions to get them to work.
To download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension,
or Extension Source Viewer,
So download either "Download Chrome Extension," or "Extension Source Viewer," and then you can go get that Chrome extension, "Bookmarked Tabs to the Front." Just make sure you not only download the Chrome extension, but also install it. You can always to that by pressing Ctrl-Shift-E, and then going to the extension you want to install, and choose "install."
Deleted User last edited by
O...K.....I'll give it a go! This is the last little annoyance to switching over. Lem...
Deleted User last edited by
EMBARRASSINGLY easy.................Thanks. Vast improvement, especially for Mrs Giz! Wonder why OPERA didn't have that little trick covered.
Been a long Sunday, Lem... Happy week to you
lem729 last edited by
EMBARRASSINGLY easy.................Thanks. Vast improvement, especially for Mrs Giz! Wonder why OPERA didn't have that little trick covered.
The new browser is intended to work with extensions. Indeed, that extension Download Chrome Extension is Opera's (so they made that so you can use the Chrome extensions). Everyone has different desires. So you find what you want. Now I think I prefer to not have the bookmarked link open in the foreground. So if Opera did more on this issue, they'd have to permit the user to decide, which would make it more complicated to do.
Anyway, glad you found what works for you.
One final point. If you like, when you do a search, for the search result to open in a new foreground tab, then just hold the Alt key down, when you press the enter key for your search. That's the way I do it, as I like the search result to open in a foreground tab.
Deleted User last edited by
Good explanation, Lem...In fact, I am about overloaded. I think We Two here will now be able to work out the wrinkles. I usually only READ forums, 'cuz usually the Techie's are way over my head, but sometimes I get going and when you are a 1937 model, sometimes the brakes are worn down and it is hard to stop. I think I have it about as well under control as it is going to be...AND I've enjoyed meeting you and Leu'.... There are good guys around. I think I'll 'pull the switch' now.... and be snooping.
Again, thanks...
Giz, 'out'
lem729 last edited by
Strange, I uninstalled that extension, "Bookmarked Tabs to the Front" and for the moment, my bookmarked tabs are still coming to the foreground, when I open them. That's okay, but now I'm getting confused what Opera's default is on this issue. In any event, no need, gizmo to respond to this. Have a great day. Too much techie stuff creates overload. For me too.
Deleted User last edited by
Status report. Reached a minor crisis in Her '24', in that having BOTH the Bookmarks Bar and the Bookmark Folder Display [called 'speed dial'] caused battle-field confusion. So I wound up uninstalled EVERYTHING Opera, then reinstalling 12.17...using her backed-up 'bookmarks.adr' file. THEN reinstalled '24', NO bookmarks bar. Next, over two can's of 'Dales' I individually imported EACH of her 12.17 Folders and Sub-Folders, prefixing the imported sub-folder name with a [+] {so she can tell what folder she is snooping through, as she did with the folder list in 12.17}. Made sure the ORDER in the Bookmark Folder Display was identical to what she was used to.... VIOLA!
Just a suggestion for anyone faced with a similar 'domestic/technical issue'. With that little issue cured, and the Tabs to the Front thing Lem led me to, I can suggest OPERA 24, with enthusiasm!
Just wanted to make a POSITIVE report !
Deleted User last edited by
Are you sure it's a viola and not a cello?
Just kidding. Glad you were able to get it all straightened away.