Middle click and new tabs
operaforumquestion last edited by
Hello, I am currently trying out Opera 23. Thus far, I like the browser overall; however, I have a nagging problem.
Is it possible to open a new tab by middle clicking the back/forward button and a link in the address bar.
To elaborate:
- I middle click on the page back button
- A new tab appears in the background and it opens the previous page
- My original tab remains on the current page
Same thing with link shown in the address bar.
This is a feature that I am used to in Chrome and Firefox. Can I customize Opera to do the same?
On a side note, why is it that when I search help related to Opera, I get pages referring to older versions and rarely the newest version?
boutitbenza699 last edited by
i had that same issue too with the right clicking causing a new tab to open out of nowhere, i figured out why it happened. there's a feature on Opera called "mouse gestures" where if you move your mouse around in a different way, it will do something, in fact this page should explain it more:
http://help.opera.com/opera/Windows/1558/en/fasterBrowsing.html#mouseanyway, go check your settings, then on the check on the browser part of the setting to see if their's a check next to "mouse gestures", if so, then uncheck it to disable that feature.