OPERA 23.0 a serious 'step-back' for us
christoph142 last edited by
And there's an all new and gorgeous bookmark manager in dev channel.
So it shouldn't be too long now -
billslaststand last edited by
GREAT news, Chris...I'll be watching for it.
Linux....y'know, I never thought of that !! I will give her a go. I had found/realized 23.0 was totally independent of 12.17.
billslaststand last edited by
Well Linux, I tried it...Since the Master Book Mark Panels remain in 12.17, we gotta START from there, and as a 'Open With', Chrome seems just as good as OPERA 23.0... or at least I'm more familiar with the settings.
So... it still looks like '12.17' until I hear of Chris's posting coming true...
T'anks, tho............
aryte last edited by
I hope that they DO manage to bring all the powerful tools the real Opera had to this new dumbed down version. I really do. I still remember when I used to pay for Opera, this is now the price for a free to use browser. Guess we have to live with it. If the devs need money maybe they can say so and some of us can help out! Nothing wrong with ppl who love Opera donating to make it great once more!
lem729 last edited by
I hope they don't bring back all of those allegedly powerful tools. Most users don't want them, and the people who disparage the new browser just don't get it. The Opera Blink browser is based on a different concept involving extensions. You want a special feature, get the extension. Don't add the feature to the browser, that most users have no need for, or interest in. As for those who want to donate to Opera, maybe someday there will be a browser for sale, that will have all of the geek features that some users seem to want. I have no problem with that. That's the marketplace. Now for a free browser, adding a lot of obscure features that most users don't give a hang about makes not one iota of sense.
billslaststand last edited by
Well, Lem...from 1305 posts you either know a lot, or certainly have 'experience'. That said, for THIS HOUSE, the Bookmark Manager IS what sets OPERA apart from, say, Firefox. Not too sure who "Most Users" are...but they ain't US.
lem729 last edited by
People don't do research. The House sounds impressive, but believe me, they just doesn't know. They have no idea what's available as an extension that works with Opera, and it's frustrating to hear the same thing over and over again, from people who have little idea how to use Opera 23, or know what extensions are available that work with it. You see, unlike Opera 12.17, Opera 23 can utilize almost all Chrome extensions, as well as extensions in the Opera Store. Therefore, a lot that isn't in the native browser, isn't there because it can be gotten via extension. The user is supposed to take the initiative to go to the Chrome add-on store, and the Opera add-on store and to download and install what they need.
https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/?ref=menuNow first of all, I assume you activated your Personal Bookmarks Bar, Alt. P (settings) and then under User Interface, put a check in "Show the Bookmarks Bar." And you are not satisfied. Okay. I wasn't either, though that did help. All you want/need, it would seem, is a good bookmark manager extension? I think Chrookmarks for Chrome is quite good as a Bookmarks Manager, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrookmarks-chrome-bookma/kcdheengilgkagjehknnnofigbmlnnfj?hl=en-US
It's the Bookmarks Manager I'm currently using. Another possiblity I've tried and liked is: Neater Bookmarks, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/neater-bookmarks/ofgjggbjanlhbgaemjbkiegeebmccifi?hl=en-US
Play around a bit with them both,and decide which you prefer.
Either of these bookmark manager extensions will give you, when you click on the extension icon, a nice vertical display of your bookmarks. Indeed, you might even find that with them, you can save space and not show the Personal Bookmarks Bar (which takes up space horizontally across the top of the browser) although that's a matter of taste there. To de-activate the Personal Bookmarks Bar you need to go Alt. P (Settings), and take the check out of "show the bookmarks bar." (It's your choice whether to keep the Personal Bookmarks Bar active, or to not show it to save space."
To download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension, https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/?display=en
or Extension Source Viewer, https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/extension-source-viewer/
One last idea. I do think you might want to download the Opera extension Add Bookmark, https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/add-bookmark/?display=en
as it makes taking a bookmark easier,including clicking on the star in the Address bar to add a book mark, and placing the bookmark in a folder. You can also access that star in the context menu (right click on the web page).
Best of luck, and let us know if you need any more help on this.
lem729 last edited by
I did provide the link to the Chrome Store for extensions, but forgot to include the link to the Opera add-on store, so here it is.
This link can also be reached by clicking on the Opera Menu, and then on "Get Extensions."
Also Cheers-n-Beers
billslaststand last edited by
Thanks for your effort, Lem. I HAD NOT thought of applying Chrome [or Firefox] extensions to OPERA 23.0. Like when I upgrade to a new Ferrari, I expect it to come with wheels as well as a V-12 engine! All kidding aside, comparing the search, install, learn of Add-Ons...with "Manage Bookmarks"? I admit that while I follow your excellent tutorial, I have NOT done it. I wonder how the managed book-marks are presented 'your' way? One of the super features 'We' love is the 'panel' method that 12.x uses to present the bookmarks. Stable 'panels' are MUCH easier on 'experienced' eyeballs than miles of scrolling...as was FireFox before I found OPERA! It is not unusual for Mrs. Bill to go to her bookmarks, click Gardening folder...click Blueberry sub-folder...click Methods of Mulch subfolder...THEN click 'Open All Folder Items'. Maybe you can see what I'm up against! If your Add-On method will actually accommodate HER need, I may well try it.
Once again, thanks for your time. I'm a lousy typer, so I know it can take time to produce what you have....
lem729 last edited by
So the new Opera is like Chrome without proper bookmarks? Nice!
I guess you can't read. Does Chrome have a speed dial (with folders)? No. Do they have Discover? No. Do they have Stash? No way. Do they have Off Road Mode? Not at all. Do they use Opera bookmarks from the Add-On store. They do not. Now Opera has bookmarks, for sure only you can, if you chose, use a few extensions, to refine and make perfect the experience. Some people are happy without using the extensions. For them, what's there is enough. And with the Speed Dial and Stash (also, huge bookmarking possibilities not present in Chrome), Opera and has more than Chrome. It's a lot better than Chrome, in my view. So put that in your pipe, and smoke it.
lem729 last edited by
Thanks for your effort, Lem. I HAD NOT thought of applying Chrome [or Firefox] extensions to OPERA 23.0. Like when I upgrade to a new Ferrari, I expect it to come with wheels as well as a V-12 engine! All kidding aside, comparing the search, install, learn of Add-Ons...with "Manage Bookmarks"? I admit that while I follow your excellent tutorial, I have NOT done it. I wonder how the managed book-marks are presented 'your' way? One of the super features 'We' love is the 'panel' method that 12.x uses to present the bookmarks. Stable 'panels' are MUCH easier on 'experienced' eyeballs than miles of scrolling...as was FireFox before I found OPERA! It is not unusual for Mrs. Bill to go to her bookmarks, click Gardening folder...click Blueberry sub-folder...click Methods of Mulch subfolder...THEN click 'Open All Folder Items'. Maybe you can see what I'm up against! If your Add-On method will actually accommodate HER need, I may well try it.
Once again, thanks for your time. I'm a lousy typer, so I know it can take time to produce what you have....
BFirst, I didn't say you can use Firefox extensions. I said either Opera add-ons, or Chrome extensions. Now you refer to panels, you can get panels via extensions too. You just need to do a little work to find the extension. It takes a little . . . Work. Hmmm. It's not terrible. Billslaststand, you appear to want everything in the basic model, that is, the native browser,so you don't have to do any work (dream on!), but the problem is that everyone wants different things. Now the Bookmarks Manager extensions I cited (Chrookmarks for Chrome, or Neater Bookmarks) give you a nice vertical display of your bookmarks, when you click on the extension icon, and they are stable. I use Chrookmarks and like it. And I used the old Opera for a long time before that (almost a decade), and Firefox as a second browser). I have no problem with handling bookmarks with the new Opera, with the suggestions I passed along to you, which I use. Indeed, you'll have no problem easily creating your folders and subfolders. That's going to make handling your b'zillion bookmarks (one hopes
very easy for you.
If Opera were able to give everyone what they want, they'd end up with bloatware, not a browser, and it costs the company time and money to produce that too. And it is a free product. Lol. So if you want certain features, let your fingers do the dancing, and go to the extensions pages I referred you to, and add the extension. It's no big deal. It's really, well . . . easy to do. And you can delete the extension a nano second if you don't like it.
Now let me mention one small thing. Opera had to switch browser engine from Opera Presto to Opera Blink. It did so, in order to be able to get a faster browser, and also one that could access sites better than the old browser engine could. This switch of engines was very useful to making the browser -- long-term -- better, but everything had to be re-programmed. Opera is still in the process of re-programming so some features that you like may actually come back in the future. Many may never come back because with available extensions they may no longer be needed. On this extension issue. You ought to take the time to try downloading some, and getting them to work. Once you see how easy it is to do it, it will be liberating.
And have you taken the time to create folders in your speed dial, by dragging one speed dial thumbnail on top of another. If not, then try it, as you will see there's huge potential there also for organizing some of your favorites, and being able to display a lot more in less space, than you ever could with the old speed dial.
Have a great day!
billslaststand last edited by
It IS a great day. A tad warm but for here at My Last Stand, but the Summer-Folk are no doubt enjoying it.
Well, I'm an old electronics technician and frankly I don't mind chasing and trying anything. Heck, worst thing that can happen is I run my Recovery DVD set....again. My operating problem is across the room. I only run what SHE does so I can answer her questions, etc. IF OPERA doesn't crank out a 'like old times' bookmark Add-On, when snow flies I may well try what you suggest on MY machine. My reference to FireFox was either dirt under my fingernails or a 'leap to conclusion' since I see the latest and greatest F/F uses the same Open Source browser grit that Chrome does; fergive me.
Fun-n-Games, I guess. You must be a 'man of leisure', too...to haunt these Forums and type as much as you do.
Ooops...'Happy Hour' time.....!
Deleted User last edited by
I would describe lem as a treasure trove of help and good-will. Just my two cents.
billslaststand last edited by
OH! No complaints nor ill will from here... that's for sure............
pjn0524 last edited by
The problem I'm having with Opera 23 is that none of my settings stay enabled once I exit the browser. NONE of them. Every time I open Opera, I have to go in and recheck the boxes to download where I want and show the bookmarks bar. EVERY TIME. That sucks. I'm downloading & installing an earlier version right now, in the (faint) hope that this screwup will be fixed. Wish me luck!
lem729 last edited by
Thank you, leushino. I appreciate your kind comment.
And pjn0524, that's crazy. I saw someone posting on this elsewhere. It might have been you. Did you check for malware, and viruses. People seem to like the program Malwarebytes. And Adwcleaner. No way does that normally happen with Opera.
Also, there have been issue with CC Cleaner and the Chrome Browser. Since Opera 23 uses the Chromium engine (same as Chrome uses), you need to be aware of it. People complain that Chrome resets itself every time they run cc cleaner, or that the preferences are messed up. Here are a few links. If you google search it, you can find more.
Are you still using CC Cleaner. Maybe you have it on an automatic setting. Do you have the latest update. And you could try another program. I believe I mentioned in the other post of yours SlimCleaner.
If it's not malware/viruses, or CC Cleaner, you may need to copy your profile to a backup, and then do a clean install. See if with the clean install, the problem is there. Maybe there's something corrupt in the profile. You can with the copy of the profile, add your bookmarks, speed dial, stash back to the profile of that clean install, and if everything is okay then, not copy the whole profile back. There's a folder, aptly called "Preferences" in it with your preferences , and maybe that file is a problem, corrupt, whatever . . .
lem729 last edited by
I meant to say that in the profile there's a file called "Preferences." It's not a folder.