Food :)
A Former User last edited by
Grits refers to a ground-corn food of Native American origin, that is common in the Southern United States and eaten mainly at breakfast. Modern grits are commonly made of alkali-treated corn known as hominy.
Grits are similar to other thick maize-based porridges from around the world such as polenta. "Instant grits" have been processed to speed cooking.
The word "grits" derives from the Old English word "grytt," meaning coarse meal.[1] This word originally referred to wheat and other porridges now known as groats in parts of the UK. Maize, unknown in Europe in the Middle Ages, is a food derived from corn (a New World plant) and "corn" had been used to describe wheat products in many European regions. "Grits" may be either singular or plural; historically, in the American South the word was invariably singular notwithstanding its plural form (cf. such food names as "spaghetti" or "linguine", likewise plural in form).I didn't know that.
A Former User last edited by
Leo, your image corrupts this page's layout (sometimes).
Would you like to resize or replace it? -
lem729 last edited by
I have sympathy for animals, so I've become a vegetarian, though because of pizza -- which I believe was probably the Biblical manna which fell from heavens -- (imagine that, pizzas falling from the sky, and Moses and his followers catching the pizzas from hand as they fell ;))) I do not exclude from my diet, milk, cheese, or eggs. I mean, how can one tolerate pizza without cheese. It's unthinkable to me. Therefore, technically I'm called an Ovo-lacto vegetarian. Now to balance the good health qualities of the vegetarian diet, I thrive on lots of coffee, which clears up my mind sufficiently to participate in the Opera forum. If i haven't had enough coffee, I get lost somewhere between Presto and Blink, and have trouble expressing myself in a coherent sentence. As for Opera Presto and Opera Blink, they're both wonderful browsers, so with a glass of wine in hand (And by the way, I get my daily water supply from coffee and wine), I offer a toast to both.
A Former User last edited by
I have sympathy for animals, so I've become a vegetarian...
Don't you have sympathy for vegetables!?
lem729 last edited by
Of course. When I eat a vegetable, I fulfill it's primary purpose in life. Being eaten.
It smiles then and says, "thank you."
mp71930 last edited by
i simply adore grits. the way i prep it is just to boil water, add sugar sustitute for enhanced taste. accompanied by toast, fruit cup with cottage cheese. my wife adds brown gravy to grits which i detest.
A Former User last edited by
Bought some cheese now - to put on bread to chew on tea etc. Half a pound.
A Former User last edited by
Drinking some coffee-chocolate mix.
Chewing on a piece of chicken with it. -
A Former User last edited by
Boiled/stewed some ready veggie-mix with mushrooms. Added an egg at the end of cooking.
Not exactly very tasty, but I hope it will be moderately nutritious...:left: -
A Former User last edited by
Bought a box of cheap "beef-steaks", though I'm guessing it's not exactly beef and they're not exactly steaks.
Readying to taste...:babydon'tlook:Yeah, it rather tastes like bull shit than beef meat.
I'm still alive though;) -
A Former User last edited by
Black Chinese tea with white bread and creamy "caviare" spread seems (feels) right.
Half a teaspoonful of sugar in the tea (~40cl cup).