12.17 shows a security issue on nearly every web page
Deleted User last edited by
You should disable your Fiddler-proxy
And/Or disable in Fiddler Options
Decrypt HTTPS traffic
and Button Remove Interception certificatesor check Operas Network Proxy settings
opera:config#Proxy -
oldcelt last edited by
I've never bheard of Fiddler be3fore this problem (not in this context anyway) and I don't use a proxy.
System clock is correct in every respect.
Why do IE and Firefox work perfectly - that wouldn't happen if it had anything to do with my system, would it? Same applies if I was using a proxy - all browsers would be coming up with the same problem.
oldcelt last edited by
Thanks for the tinypic link.
URL for the warning message picture:-
[](http://tinypic.com?ref=35buupw" target="_blank)
Deleted User last edited by
I've never bheard of Fiddler be3fore this problem (not in this context anyway)
Oh yes, a ghost must have installed such software
I don't use a proxy.
Well, the security warning of Opera is about Fiddlers proxy certificate! This occurs if Fiddler is running and intercepts HTTPS connections!
I tested it minutes before.
Why do IE and Firefox work perfectly
Because they don't use the Fiddler Addon?
that wouldn't happen if it had anything to do with my system, would it?
But you know better.
May be you have malware on your system tricking you with a Fiddler "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot" certificate.
Search for BrowserSafe, Browser Safeguard or Safeguard
Fix it yourself! =:/
Deleted User last edited by
I pasted the link into my comment but it didn't appear after I posted it!
paste the URL between Backticks `....` and it will apear
Deleted User last edited by
oldcelt has a infection on his system (some unwanted OpenCandy software), which is installed with some freeware programs.
blackbird71 last edited by
@angiesdom is probably right on target. Fiddler is ostensibly a web debugging proxy tool that is sometimes used for debugging, security testing, performance testing, and web session manipulation. It is a man-in-the-middle software that stands between the user's application and whatever he sends/receives on the web. It has the capability of generating its own certificates, and this is what you're probably seeing the error message in relationship to. If everything going to the web passes through Fiddler, then its certificates are inserted in every case... and if the certs are problematic, then all the sites you visit will create the cert error.
The problem is that if you or some security/testing software you may have just installed didn't install Fiddler, something else did. The ominous overtone is that as a proxy, it stands between you and all your web traffic... meaning, if it's set by whomever for misuse, it can be set to intercept and log/abuse every piece of data moving on your web connection, http or https.
In all likelihood, something you did (installed, clicked on, updated, etc) just before the warnings started appearing was involved in the issue. The odds are you've been infected with something else that simply employs Fiddler as a data-acquisition/manipulation tool related to your browsing.
oldcelt last edited by
All sound advice: the problem is to identify the malware if, indeed, that's what it is.
Opera was a fresh installation downloaded from the Opera website a few days ago.
I have AVG Pro running permanently.
I've done a scan with AVG - full system.
I've done a scan with Spybot S&D.
I've run BitOptimiser.
Nothing is being identified! -
blackbird71 last edited by
At this stage, if it were me, I'd check the system with specialty tools like Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner. If that seemed to lead nowhere, I'd consider visiting a specialized free security helps forum like DSLR Security Cleanup or Malwarebytes and getting some assistance there - they'll probably want you to install some added analysis tools that their experts will need to guide you in using.
A Former User last edited by
I would also search the system registry for any mention of "Fiddler".
If it comes up at all, it's almost certainly on the system!
linuxmint7 last edited by
I would seriously consider running malwarebytes in Windows safe mode (F8 early start-up menu) at some point too.
benda last edited by
it helped me to open PROXY settings in opera, tick (although it wasn't selected) proxy settings and erase what was there. And disable proxy again.
I believe I've selected sort of proxy protection during Bitdefender installation. Now I cannot rid of it.
Above mentioned solution didn't work for all pages but helped a lot. I'll keep trying.