Side Panel
demarcobg last edited by admin
After so many time, I'm done. I was waited for long long time for the totally simple thing like side panel, which was one of the best features Opera had. Because of that and many perfect solutions, I was really a big Opera fan, but now, seeing that so many things are not working in 12.17 version (last one, from yesterday was completely mixed up LinkedIn page), I'm done, transferring to FireFox.
Maybe some will ask why I don't use newer versions. Reason is one and simple. There are no Panels (sidebar panels, or side bar, call it as you want). That was a perfect solution for the organization of almost everything. I read lot of posts, with not so intuitive explanations why it can't be introduced again, so than I decided to keep old, V12, but now, when there is more and more unsuitabilities and sites I can't wait any longer.
Of course, I will check for new versions from time to time, but for now... I'm quite sorry
[Topic closed as a duplicate of:] -
Deleted User last edited by
Panels work just the same as ever in Opera 12.17, I was using it earlier to go through my bookmarks.
lem729 last edited by
You can create panels in Opera 22 via Chrome extension. Example.
Or a tabs outliner side panel.
Or for a good vertical display of bookmarks, maybe Chrookmarks for Chrome
or Neater Bookmarks,
Or a bookmarks side panel (though the reviews are shaky here).
To use a Chrome extension, all you need is the Opera extension, called "Download Chrome Extension."
demarcobg last edited by
Thanks a lot Lem729 for the trick about Chrome extensions, didn't know that.
Those extensions might solve the problem, but I have to try them. It seems that they are separate windows? - That is not the most elegant solution
lem729 last edited by
Separate displays (not windows). You can get tab side panels with Treewise, or tab outliner. I like Chrookmarks and Neater Bookmarks, for a vertical display of the bookmarks (not a side panel, but it's not a separate window either) And it does suit my purposes generally. I think there's a lot of Chrome extensions that give vertical displays when you click on the extension, and there are some side panels.
Sexy Undo Close Tab gives you a nice vertical display of your closed tabs.
There are tons of interesting extensions. When I shifted to Opera Chrome from Presto, I stopped trying to recreate exactly what was
It's impossible. But went with the flow, and really, you can find reasonable alternatives, and some functionality can be even better.
And I like that I'm using a browser now that is being worked on, and is the browser not just of now, but of the future for Opera.
demarcobg last edited by
Great. Information about the possibility of using Chrome extensions is awesome!
And with this it sounds like it really worth giving a try - thank you so much for the useful tips -
lem729 last edited by
My pleasure. Don't forget also that you can use the Opera extensions too.
When you download an Opera extension, it installs automatically.
When you download a Chrome extension, you need to then open your extensions page -- ctrl shift E -- and then find the extension you just downloaded, and click "install." Once you get used to this, it's very easy to do.