Copy without formatting
dizzykei last edited by
Is there a way to copy just text from webpage to clipboard in Opera 21 by default? So i can use "ctrl+c/ctrl+v" instead of "ctrl+shift+v"? Not in Opera only, but in other programs too. I don't ever need a fonts, colors and spacing, just text.
samkook last edited by
If it does the same outside of opera, then it's not an opera feature so this is not the right place to ask.
You can use a plain text editor like notepad2(or anything that doesn't support text formatting) to work with, that way the formatting won't get copied.
A Former User last edited by
Plain text is all that I get when copying text from this web page with Opera 21.
Where do you get formatted text?
dizzykei last edited by
It's definitely happening with all webkit-based browsers. For example, i copy nickname from this topic in Opera 21. When i paste it in any WYSIWYG editor (like one in Wordpress) or some of text editor (such a Microsoft Word or Mars Notebook) i get hyperlink with bold attribute. That never happening if i repeat the same procedure in Opera 12.17.
Now you understand me? That feature is so annoying, so i want to legally get rid of it.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Now you understand me?
I can confirm.
I don't know what you'd be able to do to fix it short of finding an extension that makes a non-formatted copy of the selected element, selects the new text and then pastes that to the clipboard. Don't know if there's an extension for that or not though.
In Word (at least in 2010), you can set the default paste option to just plain text so that ctrl + v always just pastes plain text. That won't help for programs that don't have an option like that though.
lem729 last edited by
Here's an extension in the Chrome store called, "Copy without Formatting." 160 reviews, 4 star rating.
Here's a discussion of the extension.
Hope it works for you.
You know that to install a Chrome extension, you need the Opera extension called, "Download Chrome Extension."
Best of luck!
dizzykei last edited by
Thank you. But this is half-measure. I need to install two extensions, that means more processes and usage of system memory. And that extension has a bug, allowing copy with shortcuts, but ignoring context menu.A single checkbox in opera:flags will be much more preferable. But it's not for me to decide.
lem729 last edited by
If you don't use it that often, you could keep it deactivated till you use it. And the memory use on this and the "Download Chrome Extension" app is probably slight. But you know your computer resources best. The reason I passed along the extension was that Burnout426 specifically mentioned the idea of an extension, and this seemed based on its summary in the Chrome store what you were looking for so I wanted you to be aware of it. Not sure what you mean by a bug
Do you mean a bug in that it fails to work, or just that it doesn't do everything you want. Isn't a plain text copy, even if via shortcuts, not the extension menu, still useful? better than nothing? If it's not, well, I did try to find something for you.
emc last edited by
Would paste to address bar and copy all then paste to your target location would help removing the format of fonts & paragraph format ?
In older days, I paste it to the To: ( I need to open the compose email ) & cope them from the To: field. Formats seems are removed so that I can paste to anywhere without odds formatting.
Thank you.