Lost all my speed dial icons
fxguthri last edited by
Just installed latest update and lost all of my Speed Dial icons - again!
This happened with the previous update, too.
DAMN - how do I to fix this?
fxguthri last edited by
BTW - the click on icons are there and work, but there are no thumbnails in them. Extremely annoying!!!
lem729 last edited by
Maybe somehow the update erased the cache, so for a bit of time the thumbnails were gone, till the browser went to the internet to find the images of the websites, and made the thumbnails again for you. That's just a guess.
damnd last edited by
I'm having the same problem. Except mine have been this for a couple hours now and haven't returned.
lem729 last edited by admin
Well, here's a thread on it. Apparently it's a known issue, being tracked as DNA-19861. My suggestion is to follow the advice in the thread -- restore version 20, and wait till the issue is resolved.
linuxmint7 last edited by
I'm having the same problem. Except mine have been this for a couple hours now and haven't returned.
It's a known problem, see here.