google search result changed display.
A Former User last edited by
We should start spamming Google forums with this issue.
Good idea, it looks like some people actually reported in the correct place:!topicsearchin/websearch/opera$20browser|sort:relevance|spell:trueWe can go there and mark the topics with "me too" so they know a significant number of users are suffering with the issues they introduced. Please enter the topics and click "me too": -
A Former User last edited by
We should start spamming Google forums with this issue.
Good idea, it looks like some people actually reported in the correct place:!topicsearchin/websearch/opera$20browser|sort:relevance|spell:true
We can go there and mark the topics with "me too" so they know a significant number of users are suffering with the issues they introduced. Please enter the topics and click "me too":
Could you show me where to click please? I could not find it -
A Former User last edited by
For anyone already using Tampermonkey, create a new script with the metadata below
copy the browser identification from Opera > About Opera
paste into metadata, remove OPR/ and everything after OPR/
save and test google
// ==UserScript== // @name Google Fix // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description enter something useful // @include *.google.* // @user-agent paste browser identification here // ==/UserScript==
A Former User last edited by
Could you show me where to click please? I could not find it
Yes, login and click in this button. -
Deleted User last edited by
Could you show me where to click please? I could not find it
Yes, login and click in this button.Thanks, I will do it!
Deleted User last edited by
Could you show me where to click please? I could not find it
Yes, login and click in this button.I can not click, look here
A Former User last edited by
I can not click
Hmmm, try to "join" the discussion group first. ( -
Deleted User last edited by
I can not click
Hmmm, try to "join" the discussion group first. (, it worked now
LOKIHOUND last edited by
But why you don't want to use "Permanent Spoof List" and add only Google to it?
It seems to work well.
Herrpietrus, I tried but it did not seem to work. If it worked for you tell me how and what you entered and where in the options. I tried all sort of variations and nothing changed! I gave up and thought to change the code. I also thought why is there not an option to change the default, and did it myself.
The "User-Agent Switcher" for Chrome also has a right-click on the icon method for switching user agents - so if Facebook is squirrelly you can just switch them. So it's like the For-Opera-Extension "User-Agent Switcher" with the addition of automation.
vinczej last edited by
I had to change the Default User-Agent from Opera on Windows to Chrome on Windows, because UA as Opera had more problems on other pages. It works perfectly, but so I seem to be Chrome, not Opera.
Deleted User last edited by
They have just updated Opera to version 21, but didn't fix this problem!
It is not an Opera problem.
luciflash last edited by
Well>> They have just updated Opera to version 21, but didn't fix this problem!
It is not an Opera problem.
Well, in User-Agent Switcher, if you select Opera 10, it still works. So my guess is google doesn't recognize Opera as Opera. It identifies it as Internet Explorer 6, or 7, or 8...
cyberangel77 last edited by
I can't solve the problem neither with user-agent switcher nor deleting cookies. Now there's also another problem: when I search for a video by using google, when I click on a youtube result it can't load the page.
nufylgu last edited by
I am having the same problem, and the user agent switcher isn't a good solution for me. When I have the agent switcher enabled, gmail will not load and other sites are slow or display in an outdated format. Is there any way to automatically enable the user agent switcher for google only, and have it disable itself for all other sites? I am not tech-savvy in the least and am having a hard time figuring this out. Thanks... this issue really blows.
A Former User last edited by
Select an updated browser in the extension. If "Chrome on Windows" isn't working add a new one in the extension options and use that.
E.g. Name: Blah
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.132 Safari/537.36 -
nufylgu last edited by
rafaelluik: Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I still have the same issues after following your instructions... I am thinking about switching search engines altogether until this is fixed
Deleted User last edited by
Well>> They have just updated Opera to version 21, but didn't fix this problem!
Google is blocking Opera, if you choose Chrome user agent, you get the new interface of Google.
nufylgu last edited by
Well>> They have just updated Opera to version 21, but didn't fix this problem!
Google is blocking Opera, if you choose Chrome user agent, you get the new interface of Google.
Is this a bug or an intentional/malicious feature? Google displays the current version in Opera 12, and gmail and other google sites work fine for me in Opera 20. If Google was blocking Opera on purpose, wouldn't these be affected too?
LOKIHOUND last edited by
I have Opera 12 installed too, and it works just fine with it. So Google is not targeting Opera - or is only targeting this version... Is that likely? And if so can't Opera 'fix' it?