Spotify web player
tuulenhalkoja last edited by
Spotify web player , freezes all the time,whats wrong? i tried reinstall flashplayer, and disable all add-ons. Nothing seems help in this problem.
lem729 last edited by
Are you using Opera 20? What is your Operating system? Windows 7? Is it Adobe flash you're referring to? Did you go in the Opera browser to the Adobe website and make sure you have the latest version? If it's not, then try downloading the most recent version.
tuulenhalkoja last edited by
Yes it is opera 20. I downloaded adobe flashplayer opera browser (today). spotify plays me one song and then freezes, other browsers play my whole playlist. My operation system is windows 8.1 , maybe that is the problem.
lem729 last edited by
Maybe. Now i haven't tried Spotify. Have you checked other types of radio music? I have used Slacker and Pandora and both work fine on Opera 20. I just want to make sure that the problem is just Spotify. And I take it you have the latest Adobe flashplayer, and downloaded it with the Opera 20 browser. You are saying other browsers are playing the music well in Windows 8.1. Maybe someone in the forum who uses Windows 8 can comment on your post, or who uses Spotify.
tuulenhalkoja last edited by
thank you for helping me. spotify site is only where i had a problem. pandora and slacker is not available in my country. maybe i use deezer, it seem better than spotify. Opera is still best browser.
rlaing0727 last edited by
On seeing this thread, I decided to test spotify. I am using opera 12.17 windows 8. Yes it does seem to freeze and buffer a lot, even over my cable broadband connection.
tuulenhalkoja last edited by
re-installed the opera browser and it works fine.At least an hour and the problem came back