ctrl+z command to Reopen last closed tab ?
lem729 last edited by
I agree it's a little easier. But control shift T is not really hard. Now there may be some extension out there on changing the keyboard combinations. I couldn't find it though, but I did only a very quick look.
I do like that in Opera 20 (and in Opera Presto), one can zoom with a 0, and decrease font size with a 9. That's extremely easy. Some of the other browsers require control shift + and control shift -
nicz2 last edited by
CTRL+Z is more easy to use and in my case ctrl+shit+t is not easy to use with a one hand , any idea of a extension to change keyboard combinations?
lem729 last edited by
@samkookOkay, I got it for you :))))
And I think the extension is quite good. (many users and many downloads too). I think I'll keep it myself, so thanks for asking me. The extension does a lot.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sexy-undo-close-tab/bcennaiejdjpomgmmohhpgnjlmpcjmbgIt's called Sexy Undo Chrome Tab, and you can open a tab with Control Z.
You have to get the extension in the Chrome Store. So first you need the Opera extension, "Download Chrome Extension." https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/?display=en
With that extension, you can go to the Chrome Store shopping. Now in case you haven't gotten a Chrome extension yet: After you download the extension, Sexy Undo Closed Tab, you have to click on the Opera 20 menu, click on extensions, and then find Sexy Undo Chrome Tab. Click on install. You'll see then on your toolbar the icon for it. Right click on it,then click on options, and make sure you have a check in the box, Enable Control Z shortcut. I tried it out and it works. You can also get a running count of the number of your closed tabs, can open any of them via mouse, and more.
samkook last edited by
I just did too and it does work, but there's one very big problem I just discovered, it's that the extensions supposedly auto-update if I believe the description and there seem to be no way to disable that so it's very, very bad for some persons and now make me want to avoid them as much as possible until they fix this ridiculous behavior.
lem729 last edited by
Haha, I want them to auto-update. And this will be perfect for @niczerus. I hope he comes back and sees this thread -- that you can do Control Z
Now here's a link on disabling the automatic update feature of Chrome extensions. You can do it across the board, or case by case.
Look for the comment by RAAAKKON.
samkook last edited by
I justed looked at your solution and it seems it doesn't work for chrome extensions loaded in opera since the config file is not in the same directory(I don't have a google folder since chrome isn't installed) and I couldn't find it in the opera ones.
I want to be able to choose to auto-update them or not since new versions can bring unwanted behavior especially with this extension since I had to disable a lot of what it does already and new options might be enabled by default without my knowledge. I'm also very uncomfortable with a software doing things without my knowledge or consent. It should at the very least ask if I want to update or not when it detects a new version.
Now this also brings the question if opera extensions also do the same thing or not with the disable update switch or if that only applies to browser update.
lem729 last edited by
Perhaps Opera policy on Opera extension updates governs BOTH Opera updates and Chrome updates. Maybe you should ask that question in the forum -- are Opera extension updates automatic, and try to find if there's a file related to that that you can delete. Now it's possible that file covers the Chrome stuff, since the Chrome store goes through Opera. Because you're concerned about it. Just as an aside: I think you want too much control. Just let go a little bit. 99 percent of what one worries about happening doesn't happen. And for that 1 percent, even your control may accomplish nothing. It's not worth the energy. Just accept the updates on these extensions. At any time, you can uninstall an extension. You can do the same with a browser. Keep a copy of your profile in a flash drive or elsewhere (I just did that), and let go a bit . . .
linuxmint7 last edited by
But it's not nice to tell people how to use or control their computers. It is after all their machine, their data and their hardware, and they are the ones who have to deal with the problems if any should arise.
lem729 last edited by
Don't hijack the thread linuxmint7. I've had a long interraction with samkook tonight, involving a number of threads and different issues, so stay out of it. You have no idea of the context of my comment to him. The point of this thread is whether you can use control Z to restore a closed tab. The original poster, niczerus, specifically asked me for help -- to find an extension that would permit control Z to open the closed tabs. I want him see the answer, which was "yes," (I found an extension that can do it) and for that answer not to be buried in a thread that you come in and hijack. If I could send him (niczerus and/or samkook) a personal note, I would, but we can't send personal notes to each other in the forum anymore.
samkook last edited by
It's true that I like a bit more control than most, probably due to me working in that field, but automatic updates without notifying the user certainly isn't asking for too much and could potentially cause major problems since it's really not a trivial thing to do. I see tons of problems from updating a software in my everyday job and that's only with pre-approved and tested ones so imagine what could happen with something made by some user unrelated to the original product and with most likely very limited testing.
It's even worse with opera since I've already experienced problems caused by updates in the past(nothing major though, but it required a clean install to fix). I even used to joke around when people told me they had a problem with opera if they just upgraded and when they said yes(which they always did), I replied "There's your problem".In all seriousness, I can't think of another software that does this(except maybe chrome which I find useless so I never used more it than a few hours to test it) and I consider this a serious problem even if everything will be fine 99% of the time.
Looks like I'll have to spend time researching this tomorrow.
It's good that you found a solution for the original problem though and I hope niczerus sees it too.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Pray tell how am I hijacking this thread, when I am responding to a post made in this thread ?.
And who are you to tell someone to just get use to program/extension updates when they have specifically said they are not comfortable with them and wish to disable them, or at least have some control over them ?.
samkook last edited by
It's a slippery slope since we're going further and further from the original question of the thread.
There's a relation between all of it, but it's getting thinner with every post.
There's no point in starting a fight about if it's wrong or not to tell something to someone without bringing any point, it will get us nowhere.
lem729 has a very different opinion than mine so we're both bound to say some stuff the other strongly disagree with. We just have to not take it personally and explain our point of view and the reasons behind it so the other can understand where we're coming from.
bpm2 last edited by
Two ways of getting the Ctrl-Z function by installing programs that can do far more: Vimium (Chrome extension which includes a re-open last closed function among many other things and permits customization of keystrokes), and AutoHotKey (general Windows keyboard-remapper/scripting language for which the script is: ^z::+^t - that will send Shift+Ctrl+t to Opera every time you press Ctrl+z).
@Samkook: if you loved Opera Presto's customizability, AutoHotKey will blow your little mind. And the best part is - it exists outside of the application, and any skills you build are relevant everywhere and remain relevant even if your beloved application is torpedoed. And it doesn't auto-update. There are some open-source politics going on - ahkscript.org is the place to start.
l33t4opera last edited by
One can remap this function to "Alt+Z", or to "Ctrl+Shift+Z", just follow the below steps:
Close the Opera, go to the Opera's profile directory (find the path in O-Menu>About Opera>Paths>Profile),
Open the "Preferences" file in your text editor, and edit it as below (for "Alt+Z"):` { "Keybindings": { "Basic": { "ReopenLastClosedTab": [ "Alt+Z" ] }, "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": true } }, `
or (for "Ctrl+Shift+Z") as follow:
` { "Keybindings": { "Basic": { "Redo": [ "Ctrl+Y" ], "ReopenLastClosedTab": [ "Ctrl+Shift+Z" ] }, "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": true } }, `
Save the changes, and reopen the Opera. The value for "AdvancedEnabled" can be "false", or "true", it works in both cases.
If you insist to use "Ctrl+Z" for this function, you can remap it as below:
{ "Keybindings": { "Basic": { "ReopenLastClosedTab": [ "Ctrl+Z" ] }, "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": true } },
However, you should be aware , that it will not work on the address bar, since it seems to be permanently assigned to the "Undo" function.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks, it works, but it should be built-in to the GUI. Ordinary users should not have to search forums and edit code to make important changes like this.
If you insist to use "Ctrl+Z" for this function, you can remap it as below:
Yes, I do insist on using Ctrl Z. Users should not have to relearn shortcuts on every upgrade.
How would one add a shortcut like "f, c, b" for this command:
Execute program, "C:\Program Files (x86)\High-Logic FontCreator\FontCreator.exe"
I have dozens of mnemonic shortcuts to launch applications, open text files, open the C:\TEMP\ folder, etc.
samkook last edited by
I doesn't work for me, it keeps saying my preferences file is bad when I add this.
There's absolutely no keybindings already in the preference files so I'm not sure if that's normal.I tried to add the following just before the last } (just imagine there are return carriage in there to fit what you wrote):
"Keybindings": {
"Basic": {
"Redo": [ "Ctrl+Y" ],
"ReopenLastClosedTab": [ "Ctrl+Z" ]
"Settings": {
"AdvancedEnabled": true
}As a side note, how do people use things like code tags(or whatever you used), add picture to posts, etc... I have 0 controls or buttons when I create or edit a post.
Also, I wouldn't expect it to work in the address bar or any place you can edit text, it's important that it be only the undo text change there.
Edit: Nevermind, I just forgot to add the comma after the last item.
It might be worth noting that people should replace the first { in the file with one of your examples for it to work properly.Is there a list of valid keybindings somewhere? It might be very useful to do things like pesala want to do.
lem729 last edited by
For the help asked for, making ctrl Z work, instead of ctrl shift tab, because the person has trouble doing ctrl shift tab with one hand, Sexy Undo Close Tab is the simplest. One doesn't have to be a computer geek
to make it work. (It has a lot of user-friendly features related to that one issue). I discovered one more nice feature of this extension. It keeps a running list of tabs closed. If you close the browser and then open it again, the closed tabs from the previous session(s) are still there, and a running count is provided on the icon. The developer says don't worry if it keeps of a lot of tabs (high number) because it can do it. At any time, you can click to empty it of what it's saving in memory. Also, you can set if not to keep track of the tabs that were in its memory when the browser opens again. It also has a search vehicle to find the tab you want (particularly useful if you have it set to keep recording closed tabs (even when a browser closes and reopens). All told, I think, it's quite good.
@b-p-m I tried Vimium and couldn't seem to get it going. The commands seemed set up, but when I went to a web page, none of them seemed to work. I think being able to navigate by keyboard alone is a plus for certain peopke, as it's a nice accessibility feature for those having trouble using a mouse. so I may play with it more. The other suggestions seemed quite complex. I agree with Pesala that "Ordinary users should not have to search forums and edit code to make important changes like this."
Here's something I found on AutoHotKey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoHotkey) in case anyone wants to explore it further.
l33t4opera last edited by admin
Hi Pesala, you're welcome
Regarding new features, I think, that you should ask one of the Developers, because as you already know, I'm one of the users, like you. However, it seems that the "customized keyboard shortcuts" feature "is cooking":- "We have to sort out the basics before adding customization. For example, it is not until Opera 21 that Mac will gain full keyboard support (!) for websites like Google Docs. When all the pieces are in place, more complex features and customization is added."
http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/02/opera-next-for-the-cognoscenti/#comment-1233692657, - "Keyboard shortcuts cannot be customized yet. If you take a look in Chromium, it would look promising for a feature that could be added later."
Hi Samkook,
This forum uses the Markdown syntax, but as far as I checked, not all of it work well here. It seems, that it's because this forum is still under development, or maybe some of its syntax will be never implemented here.To add a block of code, I use the syntax as below:
1st line: 3x"~", then 3 spaces or < br> tag (without space)
2nd line: some code, then 3 spacecs or < br> tag
3rd line: 3x"~".For how to add images, and/or links, please have a look here.
Regarding the keyboard shortcuts, you can find the default key bindings in the "opera.pak" file, which is located in the Opera's root subdir - in the latest Opera stable, it is located in the "20.0.1387.91" subdirectory.
- "We have to sort out the basics before adding customization. For example, it is not until Opera 21 that Mac will gain full keyboard support (!) for websites like Google Docs. When all the pieces are in place, more complex features and customization is added."
samkook last edited by
Thanks, none of the many other forum I frequent use this so I wasn't familiar with it. It looks like a pain in the ass to remember though since most of it doesn't have anything to do with what it actually does, unlike bbcode which is great for that.
Good to know about the opera.pak file.
The extension might be the simplest, but it's good to have a choice, especially since, personally, I like to avoid using extension as much as possible since the more you install, the higher the chance they will interfere with each other and cause unwanted behavior since they're all made by people who, most likely, are not be aware of the others existence(except maybe for the very popular ones which some developers might make an effort to make sure they're compatible with each others).
The extension is great though if you also want to bring back the trashbin feature from v12 and older.