Opera 20 - Another unhappy loyal supporter
sigza last edited by
Bookmarks now = train wreck. What happened? Once imported can they be searched?
Enable the bookmarks bar on settings.
Thanks, I have.
But it now takes up an extra line of screen, which is a waste and how do I search the bookmarks? -
l33t4opera last edited by admin
Hi Sigza, if you want, then you can install the "Tidy Bookmarks" extension, and after that simply disable the "Bookmark bar", maybe this meet your expectations.
lem729 last edited by
There are a lot of improvements with Opera 20. Faster browser. Renders sites better. And to name a few new features: much improved speed dial with ability to create folders within the speed dial, the Discover news feature (now really, since you like RSS news feeds, you might well find the Discover feature terrific). Have you given it a try? Just click the Discover button on the Speed Dial, near the top. You can change the subject matter -- news, technology, health, business, entertainment, food, etc.
There are RSS add-ons and live News feeds that work with Opera 20, if you are looking for something more than the Discover feature.
You can change the page zoom easily enough. Just press 0 (or control shift +) for increased size, and 9 (or control shift -) for decreased size.
Now you say you like functionality. Yes some features have been lost, but there is a big increase in the availability of extensions. You can get an extension at Opera site (click on the Opera menu, and then on "get extensions" to see what's available. Also, practically every extension in the Chrome store is available for Opera users. All you need to be able to download and install a Chrome Extension is the Opera Extension, "Download Chrome Extension."
Here's a link to what's available in the Chrome store.
Yes, some of the customization features of Opera 12.16 will not come with the browser any more. That is because to get some of the advances in speed, ability to render sites better, etc., Opera had to switch browser engines from Presto (which had become out-of-date to Bing. And to a certain extent, with a new browser engine, one has to go back to the beginning reprogramming. That takes time. The Opera browser now is being kept lean, and fast. The extensions (a huge improvement over the old Opera) are what will provide some of the extra features (More will likely come in the future), but right now a lot is available.
You might want to keep your Opera 12.16, and run alongside it Opera 20 (to get used to it). You don't have to change instantly, or at all. But have Opera 20 to explore. Try some of the extensions. If you don't like them, they are easy enough to remove. Opera 12.16 may not be able to access all sites in the future, or to access them as well. So at the least, if you have a problem going to a site, you can use Opera 20. You may discover at some point, after exploring its features, that you really like the New Opera.
lakf last edited by
I really think sigza raised some great questions about what make us 1% of desktop users STICK to opera.
Even though it is amazing, I was using Opera 12 + Chrome combo, because some sites just lock up at Opera 12. So I decided to try 20 and really, I do not want to have to download extensions to use things that came "stock" on Opera 12. If was to "personalize" your browser, why not personalize Chrome, since it does not have any navigation problems?
I've been too using opera for as many years as I can remember, however this version is really a big disappointment. Many features that were "ahead" of other browsers were just dropped and Opera 12 is just too outdated and out of support for many sites.
I'll still try to put up with Opera 20, but now its just because of the brand, not because of the product. Unfortunately.
neoworm last edited by
Yeah, researching extensive ammounts of extensions to put back BASIC functionality is trully an advancement in technology. Stop trying to apologize for the disaster that Opera 15+ is. -
tulba2 last edited by
There are a lot of improvements with Opera 20. Faster browser. Renders sites better. And to name a few new features: much improved speed dial with ability to create folders within the speed dial, the Discover news feature (now really, since you like RSS news feeds, you might well find the Discover feature terrific). Have you given it a try? Just click the Discover button on the Speed Dial, near the top. You can change the subject matter -- news, technology, health, business, entertainment, food, etc.
There are RSS add-ons and live News feeds that work with Opera 20, if you are looking for something more than the Discover feature.
You can change the page zoom easily enough. Just press 0 (or control shift +) for increased size, and 9 (or control shift -) for decreased size.
Now you say you like functionality. Yes some features have been lost, but there is a big increase in the availability of extensions. You can get an extension at Opera site (click on the Opera menu, and then on "get extensions" to see what's available. Also, practically every extension in the Chrome store is available for Opera users. All you need to be able to download and install a Chrome Extension is the Opera Extension, "Download Chrome Extension."
Here's a link to what's available in the Chrome store.
Yes, some of the customization features of Opera 12.16 will not come with the browser any more. That is because to get some of the advances in speed, ability to render sites better, etc., Opera had to switch browser engines from Presto (which had become out-of-date to Bing. And to a certain extent, with a new browser engine, one has to go back to the beginning reprogramming. That takes time. The Opera browser now is being kept lean, and fast. The extensions (a huge improvement over the old Opera) are what will provide some of the extra features (More will likely come in the future), but right now a lot is available.
You might want to keep your Opera 12.16, and run alongside it Opera 20 (to get used to it). You don't have to change instantly, or at all. But have Opera 20 to explore. Try some of the extensions. If you don't like them, they are easy enough to remove. Opera 12.16 may not be able to access all sites in the future, or to access them as well. So at the least, if you have a problem going to a site, you can use Opera 20. You may discover at some point, after exploring its features, that you really like the New Opera.Sorry, but this is laughable.
Opera 20 is just a shadow of the 12.x versions.
If the developers clearly stated that they are going to bring back the BASIC FEATURES (like rss, bookmarks, content blocking etc.) that the 12 versions had, that would be fine.
Instead we're getting RETARDED tirades about how the new version is somehow great and everything is fine. This is stupid.
lakf last edited by
Sorry, but this is laughable.
Opera 20 is just a shadow of the 12.x versions.
If the developers clearly stated that they are going to bring back the BASIC FEATURES (like rss, bookmarks, content blocking etc.) that the 12 versions had, that would be fine.
Instead we're getting RETARDED tirades about how the new version is somehow great and everything is fine. This is stupid."Hey, Opera 12 was awesome but wanna work with Opera 20? Here this Chrome plugin so you can use other Chrome's plugins on your Opera 20"
lem729 last edited by
No need for that. Why would you burden the Opera browser with stuff that can be done by extension. You have terrific content blocker with AdBlock Plus (or chose another ad blocker extension), plus the Disconnect extension. The two together are outstanding. Rss isn't needed in the main browser. It can be done as an extension. Try the Opera extensions for rss.
Try foxish live rss https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/foxish-live-rss/jpgagcapnkccceppgljfpoadahaopjdb/details
or one of the many other extensions in the chrome store.
The bookmarking in Opera is abundant. It's in the speed dial (with folders) (You can bookmark for display 100 or more items there if you wish, in the personal bookmark toolbar (unlimited), in Stash, in the numerous bookmarking extensions for opera. Come on! On bookmarking, can't you smell the coffee brewing
It's all over the place!
When you load the browser with features that many others don't want or need, it can effect the overall performance. People who don't want an ad blocker, or rss feeds are more than happy if they are left to extensions. Regarding an extension, you can chose to add it to your browser, or not to.
Now you have referred to what I wrote as "retarded tirades." Please! You can post something better than that. There's nothing wrong with trying to stay positive. Think about that for today. Let's just discuss issues. No need to sling insults. It's possible. You can do it.
And have a blessed day Tulba2
deld1ablo last edited by
Why did the way tabbing worked, and the closed tab garbage bin had to go? I tried it over the easter, and its not faster either. Its a tiny tad more stable with render Flash, and thats the only difference I could spot.
lem729 last edited by
It can sometimes be hard to make a subjective personal evaluation. Perhaps in your computer system/setup there is not much difference. It's generally viewed by outside testing entities that the Opera browser is significantly faster with the Bink engine. PC Magazine has Opera winning 3 of 6 speed tests against the big competition -- Chrome, Firefox, IE.
As for the garbage bin, I liked it. I think they should bring it back.
It's just an icon. If you go to the Menu, "recently closed" is there, so the Opera browser is doing the calculation, giving us the chance to restore what has been recently closed.. I don't see what the big deal would be with giving us a fun icon is. The same with the wand. I mean, the browser is saving passwords. So give us the wand. I mean, maybe for the moment the developers have bigger fish to fry. But down the road, it would be nice if they gave us that.
On the garbage bin, if you get the Browse ++ extension in the Opera store it has a waste basket for closed tabs, as well as a notes function.
deld1ablo last edited by
How do I put it? Sure CHOpera is faster, if you benchmark it. By the same mark, its not actually faster since you are bottlenecked by pageloading anyhow. I think the way it handles image loading was improved a little, but I never tested it on some of the stuff Presto did badly.
Yeah, its a shame the fun little icons are gone. They where sorta neat. -
lem729 last edited by
Well, the speed dial (with the folders) is superb . . . In my view. LOL. Just think of ways you can make use of it. It's something beyond what was ever in Presto. If you don't like speed dials, well, then I can see where you might be more unhappy. If you like them, give this one a chance. Because it's original, unique, and can do a helluva lot.
davebowden last edited by
Interesting to see the comments are about the same as 6 months ago. The simple fact is "old" Opera was well designed for mouse and keyboard operation. And one can love the new speed dial but it was easier to access sites via cascading text entries (bookmarks). Of course, if you are using a touch interface switching to the "new" Opera may be a good idea. Won't work for me.
Last autumn it was stated that far more downloads were taking place with the blink version than had been the case with the presto version. Didn't think much about it at the time, but of course there were more; every version 12 user was downloading the new version, testing it deleting it, and doing it again when an updated version came out.
As I said in October, I don't care much about the rendering engine. I care about the interface and the configuration and security tools. The new Opera is lackluster at best in these areas. When I get a touchpad to tote about I'll use the new Opera, if for no other reason than I don't trust anything Google. But not until then.
lem729 last edited by
It's not really a question of Speed Dial versus cascading text entries (bookmarks). The Speed Dial, while it can bookmark, has a totally different feel to it. It's immediate. It's for items that are the most important for you. There are all sorts of organization possibilities with it. One can put live, changing things in it for the display. There are art aspects. It can be really beautiful. Opera has done a great job with the wallpaper possibilities (online, use your own, etc.). No way do I find the speed dial a replacement for bookmarks (I use the personal bookmarks bar, Stash, and the Chrookmarks extension also). It is an enhancement! And this is not JUST a speed dial. It is the Mount Everest. It is unique. There is none with the capacity the Opera has -- not Firefox, not IE, not Chrome. So I would say, make use of it. And if people like speed dials, they owe it to themselves to play with the possibilities in this one that is, in my view, wonderful. Now you said, davebowden, the comments are about the same as 6 months ago."
Well, you know what they say: there is nothing new under the sun. But I can plead innocence to that. I was not coming to the forum then. I didn't get back into enjoying Opera blink until Opera 19/20 when, when for me, the bookmarking issue was solved. So perhaps all I'm guilty of is not having an original thought.:)
On security tools, the availability of extensions can help quite a bit. Like Do Not Track Me, Ghostery, Zen Mate, Last Pass, Disconnect, Disconnect Search, etc. But everyman's "lackluster" differs. For me, Opera 20 sparkles with what it is, and the promise of more and better (because yes, the feature set could benefit from a bit more) in the future.
A Former User last edited by
I like speed dial, but speed dial with folders is just slow dial. Sessions were better.
dvk-ru1 last edited by
I like speed dial, but speed dial with folders is just slow dial. Sessions were better.
I disabled SD animation almost immediately after I installed O15. Not that my PC is slow (Core2Duo 3GHz), the animation's just a bit distracting. As for storing sessions as SD folders, I think it's a terrible idea. It leads to much rubbish where a perfect order should be.
randyfletcher86 last edited by
I just google'd "opera browser forum" just to whine a bit how my opera has become unusable lately (sites like youtube and facebook freezes up on regular basis only to find out that a few people have done it already.
And I found out about Opera 20.0
as you can tell i don't follow up on Opera related news all that often
Just installed it (in like 1 minute). excited to see what is up. seems pretty damn fast that is for sure
Good day
zaratustra06 last edited by
@randyfletcher86 Be prepared to be disappointed. Opera 20 is a mere shadow of old Opera.
Deleted User last edited by
I just google'd "opera browser forum" just to whine a bit how my opera has become unusable lately (sites like youtube and facebook freezes up on regular basis only to find out that a few people have done it already.
And I found out about Opera 20.0as you can tell i don't follow up on Opera related news all that often
Just installed it (in like 1 minute). excited to see what is up. seems pretty damn fast that is for sure
Good dayIt's very fast AND it's universally compatible. It's has some very unique features which you can check out here: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera20fordesktop/