[Suggestion]Show PDF's local file name on tab title
fuzi1968 last edited by leocg
After another year, MS Edge 129.0.2792.79 still shows the as tab title the nice file name I've given my local PDF file.
Opera still shows the dumb "name" of the properties of a PDF.
E.g. I've over 200 security transactions PDFs per year and all have the same PDF title "BFOEncoder output" (generated by big companies). I want to see my local file name as for other files - e.g. when I open a TXT file with Opera.
When I open multiple PDF's with Opera I never know from the x open tabs which PDF is it. With the correct file name I would see that.
Currently I double click a PDF and MS Edge opens for it until Opera is willing to change it.
This situation is drives me nuts - more than missing tab stacking years ago and is the most stupid thing I've seen in Opera since version 6.
Don't tell me you can't change it! Make an option what a user wants to see!
Using Opera since version 6.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
For others, see https://forums.opera.com/topic/57568/tab-name-is-always-bfoencoder-output-when-i-open-local-pdf-file for old discussion.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Maybe you could use a utility to remove the title from all of those problem PDF files (and in new ones of those in the future). I asked ChatGTP and this is what it said.