How to properly delete an extension possibly corrupted ?
Simone-Brunacci last edited by
I've installed some times ago an extension for translation (at now is called ImTraslator,before it was named Google Translator it seems to me,I don't know why it have changed name,it is the same one on my opinion),sometimes ago I've noticed that it didn't worked well anymore so I've disabled have I to uninstall it correctly ? And how could I know if there was any issues/corruption with it ?
I've noticed the first issues after the name switch,after that I've tried to use it like I was doing before but it was broken on my opinion,for example contextual menu for it's functions didn't worked anymore and either it's settings were not shown correctly or not shown at now it seems to work (apart for some options like inline translation and popup bubble) but I still think that it could be better to reinstall it .. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@Simone-Brunacci Go to the extensions manager page and remove the extension.