Sidebar for YouTube™
Shocref last edited by
@dragonblanco33: solo metete a las extensiones en los ajustes del navegador y dale a eliminar bro .
RobertM1966 last edited by
I just installed it.... Guess what ? It doesn't work. I get a pop up telling me that the sight no longer there...
GuyLakeman last edited by
on opera we get is blocked refused to connect.
A Former User last edited by
3y ago
It appears that any site that sends the x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN header won't load in a sidebar extension that uses an iframe to load the site because Opera is following that security directive and blocking the loading of the site.Installing might help. Make sure to enable it for search page results too so it works for Google sites. If that works for you, you should try to set the extension to only work on the sites used by your sidebar apps.
kyle899 last edited by
I would recommed if you can watch stuff in the background and don't have to keep to on all the time
aliciahanie last edited by
Unfortunately not working 6/20/2024. Still getting the Youtube is blocked/Youtube refused to connect. Also using with Opera.
Poplt last edited by
@tricktraps: Totally works