canadagoose4everreturns last edited by
@kurostain: The "fool" has said in his heart: "There is no God."
Billyray last edited by
this say IT
The HolyGrandFather unto you:
a Sonshould not ask The Adopted
to Stop All Warsfor Truly It would be Suicidal
When all Things Upon this Earth
but he Promised To Destroy all
That wars Among US allπ¦»Hopefully It doesn't Happen
Within The HourOf your lifeTime
Only your adopted
Is the Redeemerwhen the time comes
call out his namefor crying oh God
will not save Anybody
for nothing what happened
for God is not the saviortruly he comes to destroy
all those things
that Wars amongst themselves
And against him𧿠-
frankoster last edited by
@misusc: Wars are caused by humans, we have free will that God gave us, unfortunately he cannot do anything that humans cause thanks to his self-limitation of power.
wade-williams last edited by
@misusc: If he wanted us to all walk around like robots, He would've made us that way. Instead, He created us with freedom of choice; hence, Adam eating the fruit from the Tree of Life and condemning mankind to a life of sin and destruction. Yes, I said Adam and not Eve. There is no evidence she knew of God's instruction about the Tree of Life.
But we are told through the message in the Bible that Adam was directly told by his Creator not to eat the fruit of that tree. No one can explain why he did eat it. What we do know is God didn't create all of mankind's woes, wars, disease, etc. That all came by way of sin when Adam accepted the fruit instead of saying no.
Please don't blame our Creator for it. He loves all of us deeply and that is why He offered us Jesus, through the Cross and His death upon it. With Jesus' sacrifice on another tree, the Cross, we have Salvation and can look to a future where there will be no more suffering, war, disease, famine, and all of the other woes we live with on this Earth. I look forward to the day when the dead shall rise, and then we all will be taken up to Heaven for our final judgment. And anyone who has accepted Jesus' Salvation will be seen by God as if we are his Son, and not our flawed selves. May God Bless everyone who reads this and chooses to learn more about Salvation!