Opera GX - bookmarks keep crashing the opera
Splinter-Ray last edited by leocg
opera crashes every time i try to bookmark something (heart icon). I don't know what to do. I tried to reinstall opera, but it didn't work. I had this problem for too long. Does anyone know how to fix that?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray I would start by removing the bookmarks file.
Splinter-Ray last edited by
@leocg could you be more specific? like: which file? i assume that you mean %appdata% opera gx stable folder, but there is like 3 files that have bookmarks in the name. Also is that mean that i lose all bookmarks i already havae?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray The Bookmarks one. In fact you can remove all of them from the directory.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray Yes, you will lost your bookmarks. You can export them first to have a backup.
Also, you will only move the files to somewhere else, so you can return them to the original place if things don't work.
Splinter-Ray last edited by
does anyone have any other suggestions? Or at least have something more to say about this solution? Cause when i get into the bookmarks file, there was more then just websides that i wanted to save, there was also my "speed dial links(?) (you know, when you can link a webside so you just press on it and it send you to the webside you want) and those links work just fine, so i don't wanna delete this one. Also in the bookmarks file was a file named splinter-ray which is my nickname, and it was folder type of file. I don't know what it is but at shis point im kinda afraid to delete it
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray As said, you don't need to delete anything, you can just move the files to a different place.
Then you try to bookmark a few pages to see if the problem still happens. If yes, then the problem is not with the bookmarks file
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray Ah, before messing with the bookmarks file, you can disable all extensions and see if it helps