Searching for suggestions on tabs and windows collection management
cgilley last edited by leocg
I've searched assorted extensions, but none of them seem to work.
I use opera every day for work, searches, across multiple mental tracks , etc. I may need medication
The end result of the last xx months is I now have 25 opera windows and a lot of tabs. Yes, I have an issue, but it's not my fault, it's opera's. The browser makes it too easy to get into this mess.
Last line was a joke.
The problem is that each tab/tabs/windows essential represents a search project or thought process. I don't want to lose the current window, and I really want to save the history.
Can anyone suggest an extension or approach to:
minimally, collect all windows and tabs into a single opera session maintaining the history behind each tab.
take all open Windows and tabs and collect them into an ordered book mark list?
I just saw something about tab islands. I need to go read.
Appreciate any thoughts or comments.
haro1seo Banned last edited by
Problem: 25 Opera windows and tons of tabs! Need to save them all with history.
Session Buddy/Toby: Save entire sessions with history.
Tabli/Tab Organizer: Organize tabs into groups/folders.
Opera features:
Workspaces: Create separate workspaces for different projects.
Tab Islands: Group tabs into hideable islands.
Save all open tabs in a single folder.
Export bookmarks and history for later import.
Manual approach:
Copy-paste all URLS into a document.
Try a few options to see what works best for you! -