zione last edited by
@timleland: App was working again briefly, but has once again stopped updating the temperature automatically for the last few days. I have to constantly click on it to get it to update. Seems to be fairly hit and miss overall.
MichaelEberly last edited by
This Weather Widget is very accurate upon showing us accurate results. This is very halpful if you feel lazy enough to not look it up on Google what The Weather is.
lauriekerv last edited by
This Weather Addon working as expected and accurate in New Zealand with Opera Version:89.0.4447.83.
Operating System - Windows 11 Home.
Very Happy so purchase the Pro Version. -
SilverFox66 last edited by
Absolutely useless. Temp and forecast is always off..... by as much as 10 degrees. Next weeks forecast calls for highs in the 90s and hitting 100, when the REAL forecast is beautiful and in the 80s.
bkelloggsr last edited by
@raddy - I must say, my wife and I prefer it to all of the other six weather apps we have accumulated. We check it daily and find it to be the most reliable and valid one. Tim Leland administers the function and he has regularly been responsive, courteous and pleasant to us.
Popipacusas last edited by
@bkelloggsr: For me isn't never complicate for pair minutes to get in official national hydrometeorological site to see weather forecast...
Commercial sites often to be not exact... And our lithuanian official hydrometeorologysts a long time is an American and German prognostic modules to used...
bkelloggsr last edited by
@popipacusas said in Weather:
official national hydrometeorological site
@popipacusas Thank You For That! I will remember to check the National Weather Service, which is an agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA itself is part of the Department of Commerce, a branch of the USA federal government.
bkelloggsr last edited by
I love it on Opera; accessible, accurate temperature and feels like, wind speed and direction, humidity, cloud cover, dew point, visibility, pressure (in inches), precipitation intensity, UV index, Celsius, sunrise and sunset all in a glance. Projected temperatures and likely precipitation are displayed hourly and for the coming week. See Opera add-ons for a more complete list. What else could anyone want? Pensive quotations and sayings? Tim Leland is responsive, courteous and helpful. Thank you, Tim!
SilverFox66 last edited by leocg
@bkelloggsr .... sounds more like an ad/commercial, than anything else, as we are alredy aware of its features. What else could we want? How about features that are halfway accurate, and just work? Glad it works for you, but its evident from all the comments here, it doesnt work/work accurately...... for a lot of people. What else could we want? How about reimbursement for those of us who woke up one morning, and our "Pro Version" (which wasnt worth it by the way) was gone...... never to return. Too many other options out there, to deal with the crap. Then again, I dont use Opera anymore either, as I got tired of the Devs crap of breaking their own product every freaking time they update it. Went to a browser that just works
bkelloggsr last edited by
@silverfox66 - I remember feeling the same way when I first started using computers. It took some time for me to figure it out, so you're not alone in this. Tim has been patient and responsive; a great teacher who is really interested in this stuff..
timleland last edited by
@silverfox66 Please feel free to reach out to, and I'll be happy to upgrade your account.
Thanks, Tim
SilverFox66 last edited by SilverFox66
@bkelloggsr .... While I am not a Dev, I can assure you I am not "new to computers", so this isnt about me "figuring anything out". Nor do I need anyone to "teach me" about their extension. I was clear what my issues were.... the extension either didnt work, didnt work accurately, and then... kicked me off the Pro Version. Stop trying to lessen peoples issues with the extension, and make excuses for it.... just because you like it.
SilverFox66 last edited by
@timleland ... no need. I gave the extension more than enough chances. Besides, I clearly stated I dont even use Opera anymore
ChristianVL85 last edited by
Lo usaba en edge, es preciso , confiable y sorprendo a todos con que va a llover al dia siguiente cuando lo confirmo en este widget