[Compilation] Can't login on Twitch, got a browser not supported message
Borboletu last edited by
@shadowbladegmg i tryed update it and worked. Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/known_issues/#wiki_can.27t_log_in_to_twitch
ios-phinix last edited by
@leocg If, like you said, I disable browser.js and log in, twitch will simply collect my 2FA code and then refresh the page.
This then sends me back to the twitch home page, not logged in.
If I keep browser.js turned off and try again, it just does the same thing again, if I turn it back on at that point and try to log in, it will still tell me that my browser isnt supported. -
whateverforever last edited by
I updated my Opera GX today and I'm still logged into Twitch, but I can't do a lot of things. My notifications thing won't load, can't claim drops, can't send a resub in chat, can't do mod actions, etc...
Really hoping this gets sorted out quickly.
kei-kusanagi-99 last edited by leocg
I barely cleaned cookies and temporary files, and it turns out that now when I want to enter Twitch I can't... again (this had already happened a long time ago)
valdivako02 last edited by
@xace1k damn mate I can not solve the problem either but at least I do not have to try all that cause of You, thanks man.
rsj19 last edited by
whenever i try logging in to twitch on opera it says this
i looked on the forums and i did everything they said to do but absolutely nothing is working.
please help. -
HDSolly last edited by
Been seeing a lot of people having this same issue with twitch where people can't claim drops, login edit vods or even the site saying that OperaGX isn't a supported browser anymore. Today I lost all functionality to the site and started looking around for a fix and stumbeled on THIS one year old comment on a post on OperaGX:s subreddit. I went through with all the steps and I now have all functionality on twitch again and it's working with no problems at all.
ReaperLord last edited by
I can't log into Twitch, I just get an error message saying that the browser is not supported
Eilinora last edited by
Same here since 25-09-'23. I'm unable to redeem channel points, follow, sub and/or check my notifications on Twitch. I also am unable to publish my VODs. It all worked fine for almost a year until at least last saturday (last day I am certain off). Going incognito/clearing cookies and caches fixed it for just one session on monday. I was careful not to log out.
darkestnights73 last edited by
@mickeyroni ya im having the same issue as of sept 26 2023 i was told twitch rolled out a new interface and it works for edge no problem but i hate being forced to reinstall the edge browser just to see twitch chrome users and other browser users are having the issue too i have even cleaned history shut stuff off that was recommended even went as far as uninstalling and reinstalling the browser from ground up and didnt log in to the opera browser to re sync anything just to see if that may have been an issue but it was not.... i hope by the 27th there will be a fix because im a mod on sevral channels on twitch and cant do my job with out a proper browser
darkestnights73 last edited by
@leocg yes i have the same issue on both GX and the none gaming opera browser too
Dovahzahkrii last edited by
Same Problem. had problems with notifications since a few days. now i wantet to add an Panel to my twitch side and this doesnt work. in edge, no problem. kick, no problem. so it must be a problem between opera and twitch. after i deleted my complett cache and cookies, i was loged out from twitch and cant login bcause of "not supportet browser".
had no problems for years now with opera und opera gx and now this hard thing ^^" fix this pls ^^" -
yaboimadman last edited by
@dovahzahkrii is this still happening for you? cause its happening to me now.
sh4nshu last edited by
@dovahzahkrii I am still having the problem, after clearing the cache. It didnt log me out before, but after clearing the cache i cant login at all.
Glarvole last edited by
It's happening still it seems. I've lost all connectivity with Twitch. I'm going to have to use another browser because I've tried all the fixes listed here and none of them have worked for me. It's annoying but for now I'm going to have to switch my main browser for Twitch.