I just lost all of my bookmarks???
carlosb10 last edited by
I have been using GX for a while and love it. I needed to reinstall it due to some issues on my computer. Given that I was logged in and had an account I assumed everything would carry over. I seem to be wrong. I don't understand why I would even need to have an account if everything goes away after a reinstalling. I have been to the bookmark manager and they were not found there. Is there any way I can get my bookmarks back?? I had some really important stuff saved and to me it seems completely ridiculous for me to have lost what was already saved on my account. I'm a litte heartbroken and disillusioned by what has happened. Please help if you can. Thank you for your time.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@carlosb10 So your bookmarks are still listed in www.sync.opera.com?