I lost all my data in Opera after restarting the system.
aari13 last edited by
Your version of Windows: Windows 10 Home
Your version of Opera: Opera One(wersja: 102.0.4880.40)
A description of the problem, including as much as information as possible: I was working in Opera, searching for some information, with YouTube and a dozen other tabs open in the background. At some point, new pages started to open very slowly, so I decided to restart the system (usually, I put the system to sleep to quickly resume work). After the restart, when I opened the Opera browser, I saw only a new, clean tab without any bookmarks, open tabs, extensions, or even browsing history. Everything disappeared completely. I've been trying to recover anything for several hours now, but without success. Please, I need help restoring my browser to its state from yesterday; I had many important things there
Teksura last edited by
I am having a similar issue. I can't help but notice that the avatar I selected for my Opera Account isn't showing up where it is supposed to, either. Yet the avatar is still attached to my Opera account when I come here. I'm wondering if this is a problem with the Sync features just not working. It tries to Sync with the data on the cloud, can't connect, and comes back with nothing.