Disable automatic extension block on Opera GX
DC3609 last edited by
How do I turn off automatic disabling of extensions in Opera GX? Opera GX always disables Tampermonkey.
DC3609 last edited by
And why, the browser is installed on my pc and therefore does not need to decide independently what it blocks.
WillCipher last edited by
@dc3609 it can't be disabled without modifying opera source code, but you can re-enable extension and keep it on until next reboot (idk, maybe longer), just replace "blacklist":true to "blacklist":false and "blacklist_state":1 to "blacklist_state":0 in Preferences, Secure Preferences and their .backup versions
if you on linux, you can use this shell script to do it automatically (run it before opera start or put it on autorun)cd ~/.config/opera/Default for file in Preferences Preferences.backup Secure\ Preferences Secure\ Preferences.backup; do sed -i s/\"blacklist\":true/\"blacklist\":false/g "$file" sed -i s/\"blacklist_state\":1/\"blacklist_state\":0/g "$file" done
and all this problems bcs some idiots put tampermonkey in their ad virus