[Solved]How do I remove Aria from the sidebar?
ffsitsaname last edited by leocg
How do I remove Aria and put the Speed Dial button at the top so it somewhat resembles the previous version of Opera.?
I know I can customize the sidebar, but it's extremely limited. I want Speed Dial at the top, not some pointless AI crap.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@ffsitsaname You should be able to disable it in settings page. Check the AI Tools section.
ffsitsaname last edited by
@leocg Thanks, that fixed one of the issues. Now if I could figure out how to move the speed dial button to the top and stop it opening a new tab when I press it that would be awesome.
ffsitsaname last edited by
@leocg Yes there is, it's on the sidebar underneath the AI and messenger apps in Opera Tools
Swagonimous last edited by Swagonimous
You can also set a keyboard shortcut like Alt+S to open Speed Dial in the current page.