Opera Mini 8 for Java and BlackBerry
angelbesh last edited by
I love the new UI. The black was too dull, whereas white can't be compared with the older red or black. And please give updates regularly from now on. Don't make us wait for almost a year to experience something new from you guys. Our patience has definately been rewarded. On the next update please continue this white UI.
dirtyfox last edited by
Hopefully opera wont take another 2 years to update the java version. I like opera mini 8's new UI but i still think it would be better if you never dropped the option to download and install custom themes, i know 4.5 can do that but there are only 2 themes available and one of them is pink which only leaves me with one option so please add lots of themes and also it would be nice if you included the option for the browser to fetch pc or mobile sites. Some sites are hard to divert to the full pc site right now.
cruise11 last edited by
Hi opera mini team,this is such an awesome updat,luv private view and hw it changes into a black theme,also am very happy with night feature,workin amazin on my samsung star,keep up the grt work:)
mgmgdgtd last edited by
I think that you can use private browsing feature as workaround for Opera Link failure. I don't know if private mode was mean to work in this way but it may have a double edge with that. -
navendukumar last edited by
I did not understood u mean we should try to use opera sycronisation in private browsing mode?????
mgmgdgtd last edited by
yep, start a new session, enable private mode, login on opera link - in this order.
xylol5 last edited by
Version: 8.0
Build: 35158
Platform: javaSummary: 1)Text Input problem.. 2)Loading very small images..
unable to input address/searches in the search & address bar because the
text prediction is not showing text i inputed.. -
loading very small youtube images even at 'high' quality image option..
+Launch opera mini8
+try to input in address/searches in address/search bar with 'full screen
edit' option to OFF.
+press '#' to switch to capital letters
+watch the bug(hidden texts).BUG2
+set image quality to 'high'
+visit http://m.youtube.com
+watch images which are further smaller than in previous vesion of
operamini7.1..Reported phone model:
mgmgdgtd last edited by
1.hq/normal quality it's the real miss not the front page view. On the other hand it's a miss for youtube app installed on my phone and it's weird because 320x240 videos works just fine even at 316 kbps max bitrate. Quick tip: use mini5.0, that will make you feel better 2.I have the same problem pushing the lock key in edit mode (forums) and letters are visible on url field instead preview box when changing caps. SE c510 -
diegozeta last edited by
Hi, I need Opera Mini Browser for my BlackBerry Z10, to be able to use my telephone company to navigate, it works with Z10? How can i download it? in BlackBerry World there isn,'t Opera Mini 8.
Help me! I need it.
Thank you -
abheizthe last edited by
Hey. After i instal this app(opera mini
on my bb 9330 OS 6, it's doesn't work. Restart, pullbatt, always do that. Can you tell me why?
bharat2000 last edited by
operamini 8 not working full screen in my samsung monte. my screen resolution is 240x400.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks Opera! It looks and works better, but still finding unavailable sites (403 forbidden).