Suggestion: Sidebar Integration and Opacity
HotAndSpricey last edited by
With the amount of customization available, the sidebar should be more integrated into the webpage. First, in the space between the opera symbol and the applications, add a simple arrow to hide and show the sidebar instead of going into settings every time. Next, add an option to make it more hidden/seamless through appearance changes. Adding an opacity % slider where the background color becomes increasingly transparent and shows the webpage or theme behind it would be the main option. Finally, I understand the purpose of sorting the apps by categories with a line (_) for simplicity, but why is there not an option for the user to sort it themselves and remove the lines altogether? I feel like if these options were available, I would use the sidebar.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@hotandspricey One suggestion per topic please.
And there's no line separating the sidebar sections in Opera One.