RPG Game Online - Dedalium
mindmat last edited by
This game is really great. He has intelligent and original concepts, it’s funny to see enemies appear on his wdb browser, face them and receive rewards. In addition, the progression is very fluid, you can easily have good equipment if you regularly use your web browser. In conclusion, I strongly advise you to install this extension, because anyway it is FREE, so you have nothing to lose
Rulitawyn last edited by
Looks like they can see every thing you do on the internet once you install this extension, they can harvest loads of data with this, no wonder it is free.
joe4 last edited by
@rulitawyn we understand your concerns regarding the game but I would like to point the fact that any add-on is potentially able to harvest a lots of data.
Opera has automatic and manual reviews of the code uploaded on the add-ons, checking for problems of privacy and security. At the moment Dedalium has passed all the audits and is trusted by all the major browsers. In Dedalium we need to trigger actions on the pages you visit but on no occasion we store which page you visited, we encode the url of the page and we check the action in there with an also encoded reference on our database so we can show you the appropiate content on any page without storing your browser history. The only data stored is the game objects collected.
Oakadiel last edited by
@rulitawyn Surely then you don't have accounts on Tik Tok, Facebook, Whatsapp, instagran etc. Because they even allow the app to use your camera or microphone without your permission, constantly activate your location and know where you are at all times, among many other things. I'm not afraid of that, I don't owe anything, I'm not a criminal to fear being investigated. The most they could do is use the information to send me advertisements.
Rulitawyn last edited by
@oakadiel Tell me you don't understand Cyber Security without telling me... if you manage your settings properly applications like Tiktock, Facebook, and the rest can only see the data you allow them to see. By installing this extension at all you give it permission to literally see every thing you do on the browser it is installed on. Including capturing keystrokes as you log in to secure sites like your bank or medical records. One does not need to be a criminal to want to protect their data. Furthermore implying "good people have nothing to fear from prying eyes" is a dangerous ideology and frankly is contrary to the American ideology of Freedom, as enumerated by our constitution.
Oakadiel last edited by
@rulitawyn If you know about cybersecurity, you should know that when an extension says "access everyone and modify all your data", it doesn't mean private data like passwords and the like. This would not be an error of the extension itself, but of the browser itself for allowing such a function, being considered a crime. Precisely because we have the right to freedom, we can choose, for example, to trust a service provider. A bank, for example, has access to much more of your information than this extension. Should we prevent the bank from having access to this information, or require it to be clear in the act of the contract? Likewise, the extension has in your information about the permissions it requires. Accept whoever you want. There is, for example, an extension that organizes your passwords from all sites. How will she do this, if you prevent her from accessing? The case is for each person to decide for himself whether or not to trust. And I've been using this extension for a few weeks and I don't see any harm when using it. Just because it's free doesn't mean it's harmful. You have the right not to trust it if you don't want to, but propagating that it is insecure by asking for access to the sites, without evidence of misuse of it, is dishonesty. And you are wrong about social media apps. I just checked and even Tik Tok had problems in some countries precisely because of this. It even collects keywords that you use in research and sends them to their company, collects photos that you share among many other things. Search there about "Tik tok permissions". And you don't choose at the time, but when you download the app.
lorddragoons last edited by
@rulitawyn: for my security: easy: I don't go on my Bank or health site via this browser (Opera GX) ; I'm using another (Opera ) ; like that I'm sure to be in security. then I can put this extention on this browser safely and when I need to be in private with only my eyes... change and be safe !
Oakadiel last edited by
Eu gostava muito deste jogo. Mas ando me decepcionando. Antes, vc dependia apenas de habilidade e dedicação para evoluir. Agora, o jogo virou 100% pay to win. Vc pode pagar dinheiro vivo para upar seu equipamento e virar top 1. O jogo se tornou agradável somente para quem pode pagar muito dinheiro, infelizmente.
Nov1k last edited by leocg
Прикольно, очень затягивает но к сожалению нет русского языка поэтому я не могу полноценно насладиться игрой.
Пожалуйста Добавьте Русский Язык
theStitchpanda last edited by
This addon makes my whole computer stutter and uses up every bit of my CPU. And the fact you offer a link to crypto wallets leads me to believe your using my PC to remote farm crypto and probably bought your reviews doing so.
DarthGutterTrash last edited by
A perfect add-on for those who are constantly in the browser. When a wild event pops up, it's always exciting to see what will happen and what I will get!