I can't log into google
SHISUITOZIOMAL last edited by
I have a problem that when I log in on another browser to my google account it logs in normally and if I log in on opera gx then instead of a confirmation on my phone that yes it's me or no it's not me in the google app then on gx google login notices a suspicious app on the device and I have to log in with a two digit code and I have to go into that code and press that it's the one that's on the screen in opera gx or it's not that one etc. but no notification comes to me with this code on my phone and on e.g. chrome when I logged in it immediately my information came. Do you know how to fix this ?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shisuitoziomal Seems something that should be fixed by Google, since they are the ones saying that your Opera (or your device, don't know) is suspicious.
Anyway, if you are using VPN, try disabling it