New forum up and running!
mgmgdgtd last edited by
My client id is 2019993789 for all my accounts, id is exposed in attempt to block my access via https with connection originate via 8081 port. The "entry" replace the auth page but doesn't freeze there.
leonmcg last edited by
If I'm in a forum sub-topic, like "General Topics > Forum Feedback", If I press the "new discussion" button it doesn't auto-select the sub-topic I was just in. Is that intended behaviour?
leevi last edited by
Employees have no badges (and assuming that moderators won't have them either).
Migrated threads from old My Opera forums look a bit random, looks like were they randomly selected just to test things?
blackcoder last edited by
I hope you import some more posts from the old forums to avoid losing knowledge.
This is my first post on the new forum, but looks fine for now.
Maybe you can add a darker "style-sheet", which can be chosen in the user-settings if a darker theme is preferred by the user.
- Can not find where to add a avatar to my account here.
- No basic text formatting available (like bold, underline, ...).
linuxmint7 last edited by
I know it's very early days for this new forum, but at some point, I really would like to be able to filter out posts (from appearing in the discussions view) from the other languages part of the forum.
ice007 last edited by
Cor!!!, there's a lot of white space around here, I feel as though I have snow blindness. 8-S
If you want you can use a small CSS to give the side some color. You can download them from my Dropbox files:
- Simple color:
- Flowing colors:
(To change color(s) simply edit the CSS file. Colors can be chosen from here:
How to use it:
- Opera Presto: Right klick > Edit Site Preferences > Display > My style sheet (and insert path to CSS file)
- Opium: Use a CSS Extension - e.g. User CSS (
A Former User last edited by
Silly question probably, but do you still get e-mail notification of posts to threads you've subscribed to?
I see no mention of this anywhere in the profile settings.And why no smilies?
Forums aren't the same without smiles!
digmed last edited by
Employees have no badges (and assuming that moderators won't have them either).
Migrated threads from old My Opera forums look a bit random, looks like were they randomly selected just to test things?We have plans to implement badges, also for moderators.
We migrated threads based on recent activity, so although it might seem a bit random there is some thought behind it
digmed last edited by
If I'm in a forum sub-topic, like "General Topics > Forum Feedback", If I press the "new discussion" button it doesn't auto-select the sub-topic I was just in. Is that intended behaviour?
For now, yes. We're hoping to improve this and many other things on the forums in the future
digmed last edited by
Can not find where to add a avatar to my account here.
No basic text formatting available (like bold, underline, ...).The forums use for avatars; use the same email address there as you have in your Opera account, and your Gravatar avatar will magically appear on the forums
For text formatting you can use simple Markdown:
digmed last edited by
Silly question probably, but do you still get e-mail notification of posts to threads you've subscribed to?
I see no mention of this anywhere in the profile settings.
And why no smilies?
Forums aren't the same without smiles!
We have email functionality, but we haven't enabled it yet. This is because we currently don't have a way of letting our users choose what emails to receive, if any. Until we implement this we won't turn on email notifications.
Regarding smileys we hope to improve the forums as time goes, and smileys is definitely one of the things i want implemented too
zapfod last edited by
Dear Opera team,
as the most important part of a forum are the users - then I guess the level will be much the same high. My first feedback is:-
why do you/we need to have these 10 centimetres white space (frames) around the discussions zone? IMHO it is just waste of space, keeping the comments area relative cramped;
do you tend to support language-specific sections different than the nine currently proposed? At least it will be useful for million users who are preferring to search for help on their native language and will just contribute for the Opera's spreading;
I know it is just the day One of the forum, but the emoticons are really missing to represent the user's mood (I saw the 'Markdown', but if you tend to drive the users to use tags just to insert a link or a smile... thanks, but no way to encourage me to give my comment).
the option to upload own avatar on a simple way is missing too. Gravatar is not a good option for me.. it looks nonsense to go somewhere & to register again just to upload a simple picture for a forum managed by Opera team?!
it will be better to make the contrast of the forum higher - it is a little bit pale and boring now;
the drop-down menu 'Choose Category' is a little bit confusing. Yesterday I posted my comments in 'Forum feedback' section and today I realized that it is not in the main forum, but in the Vietnamese one, which is quite irrelevant for me as I do not know even simple word in this language.:D Then the following relevant question appears - how to delete a discussion started by me, if I found it is in wrong place? I saw it is possible to switch it in another category, but however I want not to start a new discussion, but to remove the redundant one and to paste my comment in a proper place.
Wish you good luck and to gather again the good people who loves Opera around these forums!
frenzie last edited by
Let us know if you notice any problems. Some may experience a slight lag when logging in (you won't be logged in right away, but may have to wait for a little while before you start posting).
Looks like you need to have Javascript enabled in order to log in at all.
For text formatting you can use simple Markdown:
A Former User last edited by
After ten years of developing the old forum, getting it working with profiles, smilies, code markup, bullets, quotes, quick quotes, etc., you throw it all away, and we're back to square one again with a characterless forum that no one wants to use.
Why throw away all that hard work and start over again? Don't you guys have enough to do with rewriting Opera?
ice007 last edited by
The forums use for avatars; use the same email address there as you have in your Opera account, and your Gravatar avatar will magically appear on the forums
Fantastic! Just another Internet "service" I should entrust my data.
So no reason for a smilie and certainly this is not "magically"!In the German Wiki there is a hint of the risks behind Gravatar!
(not in the English version, so, if needed, use Google for translation)"Es besteht aber auch Kritik an Gravataren. Durch die Verwendung bei unterschiedlichen Internetaktivitäten ist dem Betreiber des Dienstes die Erstellung eines umfassenden Benutzerprofiles des Benutzers möglich, das der Anbieter beispielsweise für Werbezwecke verwenden kann. Auch Ermittlungsbehörden können dadurch auf einfache Art und Weise umfassenden Einblick in die Aktivitäten des Benutzers gewinnen."
mgmgdgtd last edited by
Checking domain with a proper tool you can discover some interesting stuff. Opera wants to provide a new type of services rebranding dead ones like Minitel and passing over bifrost uber alles being supported by Big Brother. Facing new demands that's a good reason for starting over, doesn't it? -
A Former User last edited by
I did check with a proper tool — Opera 11.64. It is utterly featureless and ugly. It is difficult to navigate, lacking in features, and bland. It is understood that not all forum threads may be imported, but the underlying code should have been retained from my.opera. How long does it take to move some code to a different URL? If I use a forum on my website, I can upload it to a mirror in a few seconds.
The only good reason to change is if something is badly broken. The MyOpera was not broken — though it was infested with spammers and trolls, but that has nothing to the do with the front end that is seen by users.
j7nj7n last edited by
The forums use for avatars; use the same email address there as you have in your Opera account, and your Gravatar avatar will magically appear on the forums
Fantastic! Just another Internet "service" I should entrust my data.
So no reason for a smilie and certainly this is not "magically"!
These forums are rather fast, relatively speaking. But the use of Gravatar makes them 10 times as slow, as they could have been.A connection to gravatar is made over Secure HTTP which introduces latency; the avatar for every user who's post is contained of the current page is requested; the forum has no knowledge about which user has one set up, and which one has not.
If I block gravatar in Urlfilter, Opera forums become much faster, but also much less readable as even the placeholder default avatar is then gone.
You would have done better relying on an existing forum engine; probably an old version of one.
BBCode shouldn't have been replaced. And while Markdown reminds of typing in plaintext in Opera M2; i intuitively type BBCode when on the web. It works on all forums almost the same way, one doesn't need to learn it. Well, worked until people like you pushed it out. How do we type [quote=Author][/quote] ? This is useful for headings of any blocks of text.
magnuspeterlangeland last edited by
I was encouraged when you said on the old forums yesterday 'Our forums will not be closed, just moved. All content will be moved as well.' implying that ALL the content would be moved over here. I imagine that will take time, but is it the intention, or will it remain as at the moment with just a small selection of forums moved over and then only with posts back to last November?
Looks a bit bare at the moment, but just testing to see I can post...
ps. How do I move my favicon over, I see nothing in 'profile' or 'edit account' for this, or for that matter little else.The old forums had a ton of old content that was not used anymore, so we only imported the most active threads from the last six months. Sorry for any confusion
mgmgdgtd last edited by
^ Well, you see Ag mech and engineering failure laws in action and I see clouding movement, ain't bad either way but as a user I don't see any aesthetic inconvenience or as you said 'front user' (which is in front of me) bad experience. You see, the problem is other way around, what if Odinson from above Bifrost will hit me with something like a Lightning and after that I will eat only Opera donuts? The new forum can pinpoint the newest line of products focusing on future innovations and development... Bla bla, stuff like that. I still prefer back-end look-up as approach, that will combine my purposes with their demands not vice versa.