[Solved][Du[plicated]Unable to disable high contrast mode on Opera GX
joell-o last edited by leocg
Basically when I'm using Opera GX as my browser, it started messing up the colors for a bunch of the websites I use, such as Discord and YouTube. My guess is that I must have activated something when I was setting up my Opera GX color scheme. However when I went to look for "high contrast mode" in Opera GX, apparently it doesn't exist as a feature, as it wasn't popping up in the search results. I found that really confusing because that seems to be what the issue is, however when I went to my settings for windows, high contrast mode was deactivated. I even opened up those same websites with Microsoft Edge and they look normal. So the problem is with Opera, but I just don't know what it exactly is or how to fix it, I hope the screenshots help.