M2 How to make a drop-down button drop-down selection
emc last edited by emc
Hello ,
I've any action "Click Bold" ( see below 1) , How to add more command from this bold action to automatically drop-down for me the button " 🆂🆂 " ( see (2) )?
so that I can just need to click the drop-down items ( "SR or S+1" ) ( see (3) )
** If I have more drop-down buttons in a row, is it possible to automatically drop-down all these 3 drop-down buttons at the same time ?
Thank you very much.
( 1 )
[HTML Mail Formatting Toolbar.content]
Button1, 782336256="Email Toggle Bold, , , , "Mail Compose Bold""(2)
[Status Toolbar.content]
Button14, "🆂🆂"="Delay , 50 & Send mai & Read mail,2|Hide pane & Delay, 18000 & Send queued mail + Show popup menu, "MyMenuSectionSSS"""(3)
Item, " "
Item, "SR"=Delay , 200 & Send mail & Delay , 50 & Mark as read
Item, "S+i"=Delay , 200 & Send mail & Delay , 50 & Switch to next page & Delay ,50 & Switch to previous page & Delay , 100 & Delete permanently -