Discord Web is Stuck at "RTC Connecting" and Doesn't Allow Voice Chat
quik last edited by
@unbeknownst Search for
in the settings, choose the recommended option.
This solves the issue for most, if it doesn't, try selecting other options.
Dream on till your dream comes true
TheBertt last edited by
@unbeknownst Thank you so much friend, I was looking for a solution in forums, youtube and twitter but nothing doesn´t work, until I found your problem xd with that I finally solved my problem. GG!
juggs last edited by
@unbeknownst this post is old but i saw someone mention that turning of "
Disable non-proxied UDP" fixes it, i tried it and it worked so incase anyone else comes here im just mentioning it incase it helps too -
ananya10yt last edited by
@unbeknownst Yes This Problem is with me also...
I have also tried many Browsers like Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Epic Browser, But none of them suits Best for me/a Gamer... -
ananya10yt last edited by
@xscalamity You are The King, Legend, God for My Discord...
Thanks a Lot... -
kamaleshswargam last edited by
@quik Thankyou so much! It worked for me
I was struggling with this problem since last few months
Roachella last edited by leocg
Discord RTC still connecting?
guys i have the solution!!!- Go to Opera Gx Settings
- Click Advanced
- Then click "Privacy and Security"
- Then scroll down until you see WebRTC, it's on top of VPN
- When you are on the WebRTC setting, you can see the it selected the "Disable non-proxied UDP" unselect it and switch to "Use any suitable network interface (recommended)"
- You go back to Discord and it's now fixed
You're welcome!
silentknight1195 last edited by
@xscalamity you have just saved my life... i was thinking about... touching grass.... but now i dont have to
Moon-Ebullience last edited by
@xscalamity thanks so much bro! I struggled with this for quite a while and it bugged me a lot so I am very glad I can now voice call while using opera GX as my browser