'Picture in picture' starts when I change to a different tab
Splinter-Ray last edited by leocg
Hi, i have a problem with picture in picture option. When i have an opened youtube video and switch to another browser tab, the 'picture in picture' option starts working without any action on my part. A few days ago everything was normal and i did nothing in browser options. I have no idea is this a bug, or it's some kind of new option that is posible to turn it off in options. Whatever that is, i hope that someone can help me with it, thx.
Ps.: Sorry for my english -
Splinter-Ray last edited by
@splinter-ray for the love of god, i don't care if someone upvote my message. Where i have to post it to get some help with my problem?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray Rule number one could have solved your problem, I guess.
Turn on opera://flags/#automatic-video-popout. After that go to the Video Pop-Out section in settings and disable automatic video pop-out.
Splinter-Ray last edited by
@leocg im not sure, i think it worked... but can i find that in opera settings? cause i literally spelled al this "opera://... "section in browser, but it take to long
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@splinter-ray Find what? The Video Pop-Out section is there for sure.
Regarding the flag, just copy the link and paste it into address bar.