Easy Youtube Video Downloader For Opera
talionranger117 last edited by
@easyyoutube cool, awesome. thanks.
so i guess i have two opera browsers. opera gx and opera, lol.
celebspeople1 last edited by
@talionranger117 la version beta d'Opera (il met le lien sur d'autres réponses)
celebspeople1 last edited by
Finally. Opera will accept your addon, thanks for putting the link and info and sending emails to everyone
easyyoutube last edited by
@celebspeople1: Submitted another version update but still you need Opera Next version - https://www.opera.com/computer/beta to use it
A Former User last edited by
Dishita, Help please, No Issues on Firefox, Brilliant for a Long time, However, Opera desktop, Cannot see download button ? I've reinstalled, cleared caches, spun around the roon Three times, Advice Please
easyyoutube last edited by
@missy3xl: Submitted another version update but still you need Opera Next version - https://www.opera.com/computer/beta to use it
AZClaimjumper last edited by leocg
I'm using Opera as my Browser
Easy Downloader button doesn't parse on youtube Movies. Non movies, the button appears. -
bobcat22 last edited by
@azclaimjumper I am using the latest version: 81.0.4196.60 and all is good.
AZClaimjumper last edited by
@bobcat22 That version appears to be for Windows
My computers are an iMAC & a Macbook Air laptop -
AZClaimjumper last edited by leocg
@azclaimjumper Never mind. I just updated Opera to V 82.0.4227.23. The Download button is now appearing on all youtube movies.
bobcat22 last edited by bobcat22
@uykucusirin Hi - the problem with browser based apps like Easy Youtube Video Dlownloader as it is dependent on the version of the browser when the downloader was released. When the browser is updated, the app breaks. For this reason, I went with an app which is installed on the OS,
albertop last edited by
on 11/01/2022 on Opera desktop, I succesfully downloaded a (dashed) movie in 720p to mp4. I know dashed, because other downloaders showed video fragments URLs in list. Checked the downloaded movie and it is ok, video, audio and sync. Seems like recent update of this extension on october 2021 was useful after all
. Tanks @bobcat22.
@uykucusirin it was free for me. Works.