Localstorage files - how to view?
steaua10 last edited by
In my Opera profile directory, in Local Storage folder there are some 50 ".localstorage" files for various visited websites. Some of them 5 years old. How to view them?
Also in the same folder there is a leveldb folder with some .ldb files.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
When you're on a site you want to check, hit ctrl + shift + i to open the developer tools. Then, switch to the Application tab and view the content of the databases.
Outside of Opera, for leveldb files, you'll need a leveldb viewer that uses the same comparator that Chrome uses. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/35142175/1697 for more info.
For db files, open one in a text editor to see if it starts with "SQLite format". If so, you can then use an SQLite viewer like https://sqlitebrowser.org/.