Opera 78 breaks BitWarden extension (disappears)
namero999 last edited by
@leocg Here's what has happened.
- On 77, everything is nominal. BitWarden sits in the sidebar as usual.
- Update to 78, BitWarden disappears from the sidebar, it's not present in the top dock next to the search bar, and it doesn't appear in the "Extensions" popup where I can "pin" extensions. It is present in the general Extensions settings page. From there, if I enable and disable it, I can see the BitWarden icon appear in the sidebar for 1 second. It then disappears. Still no trace of it in the popup or anywhere else.
- I have uninstalled BitWarden and then reinstalled it: it now appears only in the top dock, and the behavior of disappearing from the sidebar continues.
- No other extension is suggested as "Sidebar extension", which was not the case previously.
In short, this update broke sidebar extensions.
weberson last edited by leocg
The same happened for me (except I am still able to pin it to the address bar).
Fruitbat56 last edited by Fruitbat56
@weberson Ah - that's a very good point about the address line. If you click on the clear box icon where extensions are, you can click on the pin icon beside the Bitwarden extension and that will also add it to the main extension area. No idea why they don't do that by default.
I had forgotten all about that, and was using the sidebar icon exclusively (and reluctantly). I'm all set now.
tkossak last edited by
Happens to me too, after latest update of opera. Anybody found any solution how to fix sidebar icon for Bitwarden?
I tried already:
- Disabling/Enabling extension - doesn't help, sidebar icon appears on sidebar for a brief moment and then disappears again
- Creating completely new opera profile and installing bitwarden - the same situation, icon instantly disappears.
Not sure if we can fix it ourselves. Who should look into it - opera or bitwarden team? It seems like latest opera update broke more sidebar icons for different extensions (like V7 sessions for me).
Bitwarden 1.51.0
Opera Version: 78.0.4093.147
System: Manjaro Linux (x86_64; XFCE) -
theonetruetom last edited by
Disabling the Opera store version of the extension and installing the Chrome extension seems to have allowed me to pin it in the address bar extension menu successfully. The Opera version (which has its own sidebar, which I like better) just flashes if I enable it.
namero999 last edited by
It seems like we don't have yet a way to pin extensions back to the sidebar (works on the addressbar only). It would be great if Opera Team could tell us whether this is an Opera bug or a problem with BitWarden extension. Matter of fact though, the dialog where you are supposed to pin extension to the sidebar is empty, no extension is shown...
namero999 last edited by
Well I might have written too soon my last message... I just updated to 79 and BitWarden is happily back to the sidebar! Seems fixed so far, thanks!
Fruitbat56 last edited by
@josuegrs Back to working with me. I actually prefer to use the pinned extension icon, but after the last Opera upgrade the Bitwarden icon re-appeared in the sidebar without any further action on my behalf.
I'm running Opera 79.0.4143.22 FWIW.