FVD Speed Dial - New Tab Page
wildpig last edited by
И еще вопросик: до установки FVD я открывал новую страницу и курсор сразу был в адресной строке. Можно было сразу вводить строку поиска или первые символы адреса. Сейчас же открывается страница с FVD и нужно взять мышку и тыкнуть в адресную строку и потом уже переключиться на клавиатуру и вводить текст
Мне это кажется довольно неудобным -
A Former User last edited by
I have been using this speed dial for a few years now and I love it. it works for me to be able to separate my most used sites into different categories like , grocery, general shopping, medical, food delivery, etc. i used to have a problem with this extension opening my saved sites in the background but over time the developers have managed to get rid of whatever bug was causing that. Now it works perfectly and i can customize the look and operation of it to however I want it to be. if youre looking for a speed dial or just a way to get your new tab or start up pages a bit more organized this is the extension for you! Oh...i almost forgot...this will sync to a cloud so you can have it on all your browsers with them all being identical. It also keeps your bookmarks and will sync those as well. Very impressive app!
CODZombiesNerd last edited by
Hi I noticed the Opera Speed Dial overrides the FVD Speed Dial. How do I go about Fixing this.
Paulah001 last edited by
I use speed dial on all my browsers and once set right on opening your first screen is speed dial and any new tabs opened are also speed dial but on the opera system although the first screen is speed dial any new screens do not open the speed dial, and with no customer support I cannot ask for assistance
jaekobcaed last edited by
I don't use this in Opera but I have used it for years in Firefox and Chrome. It's a fantastic extension that allows for near-limitless customization of your browser home page. It has several features I hope Opera will implement eventually, such as the ability to customize the image you use for your speed dial icons.
funkyeuphemism last edited by
Love this speed dial. Any time I have to reinstall Opera on a new device or fresh OS getting this & the "Eversync" app that stores all your dials and customized settings is top priority. There is nothing to not love about FVD dials
Snakefinger last edited by
Unable to refresh dials in both auto and manual mode. Everything works fine in Edge browser.
ArktikBear last edited by
@blagoyar: Такая же хрень - приходится открывать SpeedDial через нажатие кнопки на панели инструментов. Кстати, отличие ещё состоит в том, что в Opera не получается открыть несколько окошек с этим SpeedDial. Но ко всему этому уже привык
balbeseg last edited by
В один прекрасный момент расширение перестало работать - Опера почему-то получала access denied к папке расширения. Удалил расширение, поставил заново - ВСЕ ССЫЛКИ ИСЧЕЗЛИ!! Спасибо, б***, дебилы криворукие! Сотня полезных ссылок просто "ушла".