why did opera browser change like this?
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
If Opera had continued to invest in its products they'd have a better browser. Market share doesn't = better. Just look at Internet Explorer. And during Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner's time as CEO, Opera became the only commercial web browser available for the Nintendo DS, DSi and Wii gaming systems and was winning numerous awards.
Opera 17 won an "award" recently, you'll find about this I'm sure. Wii, DS and DSi browsers have negligible market share and I don't think Opera makes any profit of it apart from the money Nintendo themselves paid for the deal back then, Nintendo wasn't even interested in updating the browser past 9.x.
Nevertheless, that's not even the point. Have you heard the developers when they said the Opera-Presto code was too complex to maintain and improve? There's no need to keep the devs unhappy because of such unused features. They're actually more competitive now with Chromium (things like better compatibility, standards support, multi-process and hardware acceleration are finally here!! - the devs were struggling to deliver these things with Presto, it's very obvious with the never ready hardware acceleration and even OOPP was disabled after causing issues in 12).
tradeofjane last edited by
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Nevertheless, that's not even the point. Have you heard the developers when they said the Opera-Presto code was too complex to maintain and improve? There's no need to keep the devs unhappy because of such unused features. They're actually more competitive now with Chromium (things like better compatibility, standards support, multi-process and hardware acceleration are finally here!! - the devs were struggling to deliver these things with Presto, it's very obvious with the never ready hardware acceleration and even OOPP was disabled after causing issues in 12).
If Opera wanted to keep the devs happy they wouldn't have let some of them go. And they're actually more competitive now with Chromium? O_o Seriously? They are Chromium. Hell they might as well call it ChromOpera. Opera use to be innovative and unique. ChromOpera is just an imitation of Chrome. So instead of being competitive they decided to copy every thing from Chrome's branding to their browser. Why exactly? If someone wanted to use Chrome they would use Chrome. Just look at the low market share of the browsers that have copied off of Firefox.
j7nj7n last edited by
Originally posted by blackbird71:
If sites en-masse sniff a browser (via UA, JavaScript, etc) to determine whether it's on their internal list of "unfavorites" because of the privacy or ad-blocking features a browser model is designed to contain and if they block users with such a listed browser, then the Internet as we know it will have changed considerably for the worse.
Even if some websites did ban some browsers, as long as there are many sites on the web and many users, the websites thelselves would also have to compete for a usage share, and shouldn't able to dictate their rules. We can observe clients being banned on Bittorrent sites already for the same reasons that some software have undesirable functions (leeching, just like leeching useful webpages without watching ads). But if site admins have too many or too harsh restrictions, users can leave for another community. If, on the other hand, Facebook and a handful of other networks is the whole internet, leaving is no longer an option.
My content filtering in Opera works well because I have customized it, as can anybody else, and site authors have little motivation to target my specific patterns. I have observed that some sites containing "omniture" scripts have become broken, as did Adf.Ly, but omniture was successfully filtered for me during that time. Webmasters can relatively easily counter AdBlock Plus, which everyone uses, but not as easily if there are dozens of blocking methods out there.
raven last edited by
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Originally posted by Raven:
If they did it to increase market share, they're clearly failing:
See browser statistics by version: Opera 12.1x is holding its ground with only about 1/5th of users having switched to the Chromium-based versions.
The same is corroborated by Sitepoint's Craig Buckler's analysis of StatCounter numbers:
The Blink editions of Opera (version 15+) account for 0.2% of the market — or 18% of the browser’s user-base. Opera users normally upgrade quickly so it seems not everyone is convinced by the new version.
Sorry, but how can you be so dumb?
How do you want to compare the adoption of a browser version delivered via auto-update and one which there's no notice it's available?Check this for real numbers:
http://www.zdnet.com/time-to-move-on-final-patch-for-opera-12-due-by-mid-2014-7000023427/About half of the Opera desktop users are on 15+ by now.
(Note: there's no way to know how many are upgrading from a prior version and how many are new users.)First, please stop the insults! I would have expected better from someone like you, Rafael.
Second, are you really preferring some unsubstantiated numbers thrown around by marketing to real-world statistics?
Third, the numbers may be flawed, but seem consistent. Opera <=12.x has always been a bit underreported, but the numbers on these statistics (pre O15) look about right. Then, they really differentiate between 12.x and 15+ which contradicts the typical "they don't care about details" argument.
Opera 15+ is the one version offered on the Opera homepage when you want to download the desktop browser. This means, every new user (at which the whole move-to-blink was targeted) will be offered the new version only. Still, it doesn't seem to get any traction.
Rather, the overall number of Opera users stays about the same with only some of them switching to the new version. -
mrfx last edited by
Originally posted by paulgbond:
Someone - someone with real knowledge and understanding - tell me WHY I should choose Opera over Chrome, or even Firefox as an "alternate" browser. Where is the advantage? WHAT is the advantage to Opera now?
Hi! I switched a week ago to Opera from Chrome because of (very annoying) "waiting for cache freeze" issue of the latter (problem is known for years and still no reliable fix). I have not this problem with Opera so far. I even didn't know that recent versions of Opera has been using Chromium SDK. So long as browser is stable, fast and reasonable W3C–Compliant I don't care about rendering engine brand, however I understand that current version of Opera is immature (in contrast to last Presto builds) and there's still is a lot of work to be done.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
IE and Safari are the “default” browsers on their respective operating systems. Google’s brand positioning is simplicity and speed. Firefox is that it's the most customizable browser and has strong support from the open-source community. Opera is alone.
Google also has a reputation for distributing Chrome by sneaking into people's computers along with Java and Flash updates.
Opera is not alone any more. Here's a report implying that Opera has adopted Google's tactics http://my.opera.com/community/forums/findpost.pl?id=14997322 It would be nice to get it confirmed broader of course, to be properly sure.
tradeofjane last edited by
Originally posted by ersi:
Google also has a reputation for distributing Chrome by sneaking into people's computers along with Java and Flash updates.
Opera is not alone any more. Here's a report implying that Opera has adopted Google's tactics http://my.opera.com/community/forums/findpost.pl?id=14997322 It would be nice to get it confirmed broader of course, to be properly sure.
Google is an advertising company. Their increase in market share is no surprise. They were able to force users to use Chrome the same way they forced Youtube users to use Google+. Google's success at increasing their market share in the browser market with Chrome comes from marketing, not from having a technically superior browser. I'm sure some people have gone from Internet Explorer to Chrome, but how many have gone from Opera to Chrome? I've used Opera for 10+ years and I've tried Chrome. Google has done a good job of branding their browser as fast. And while Google may claim their browser to be fast so is a mentally challenged kid with a hyperactivity disorder, at least until he hits the wall. Chrome crashes more times than a NASCAR rookie.
bisonfrieze last edited by
I temporarily had to install Opera 18 and it looks like a disaster. Everything I've grown to love about Opera is missing. It seems to represent the belief that fewer options are better as if we're all going to be staring at a 3 inch screen with a single button for the rest of our lives. We are smart and we can handle choices, customizability and flexibility. You will have to pry Opera 12.16 from my cold, dead fingers.
bisonfrieze last edited by
I temporarily had to install Opera 18 and it looks like a disaster. Everything I've grown to love about Opera is missing. It seems to represent the belief that fewer options are better as if we're all going to be staring at a 3 inch screen with a single button for the rest of our lives. We are smart and we can handle choices, customizability and flexibility. You will have to pry Opera 12.16 from my cold, dead fingers.
Deleted User last edited by
There is no reason for this thread. The question has been asked multiple times for months now and the answers have been provided. Use the search feature before posting useless threads. This thread needs to be closed.
missingno last edited by
There is no reason for Opera 15/16/17/18. This fact has been stated multiple times for months now and the reasons have been provided. Use another browser before downloading useless Opium. This thread can be closed now.