Why did opera change to chrome engine?
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by kesetrum:
Now, if there is a security issue on WebKit (Chrome). Then automatically applied on Opera
Not aways... Opera may implement parts of the Chromium framework differently.
As a matter of fact there are bugs in Opera that aren't present in Chrome and vice versa, so you can see there are differences already.BTW Opera is using Blink not WebKit.
kesetrum last edited by
whatever Opera using Chromium or Blink or not, so please get my "presto-Dragon-Fly interface" back.. LoL If possible
Deleted User last edited by
Okay, call me stupid but WHAT are Opera Blink and Opera Presto?? Are they versions of Opera that were known by a number (like Opera 12) and a name? I've never heard of them.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by bjdobson:
Okay, call me stupid but WHAT are Opera Blink and Opera Presto?
Don't tempt me
Opera Blink
sherool last edited by
The rendering engine is absolutely fine, and frankly better than the old one. Using Opera 12 is starting to get painful I run into more and more sites that just flat out tell me my browser is outdated, and if I spoof the user agent they rely don't work properly.
The absolute gutting of every single useful feature other than rendering web pages is what I don't like. Just upgraded this one to 18 and STILL not even basic stuff like bookmarks are back. Gaaah! Loosing - patience - fast.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by sherool:
not even basic stuff like bookmarks are back.
This complaint is getting beyond tiresome, please search before posting. Bookmarks have been available in the Quick Access Bar for several versions now. It is even called the Bookmarks Bar again in Opera 19. Lots of features are still missing, but some have returned. Custom search engines, draggable tabs, and themes to mention just a few.
mortenoslash last edited by
I miss the opportunity to move the tab bar to the bottom of the window. (I have two monitors, and usually have the browser in the upper monitor.)
I miss the opportunity to add buttons and functions to the address bar and to toolbars. (I frequently use some of the advanced functions of the browser.)
I miss the favourites/bookmarks, and I hate the speed dial and want to turn it of like you could on Presto. (I would rather have my new tabs completely empty.)
I miss being able to turn on the showing of the page size in the title bar.
I miss a real status bar.Other than that, the Blink seems OK, though I should like someone to make a skinn in classical Win9x style.
sherool last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by sherool:
not even basic stuff like bookmarks are back.
This complaint is getting beyond tiresome, please search before posting. Bookmarks have been available in the Quick Access Bar for several versions now. It is even called the Bookmarks Bar again in Opera 19. Lots of features are still missing, but some have returned. Custom search engines, draggable tabs, and themes to mention just a few.
Rely? They sure are hiding it well then. I find absolutely no option anywhere to even display a quick access bar...
Ok found it. A hidden experimental feature apparently, but ok I'll concede that it's there if you know where to look. Not at all obvious for anyone who just open the thing up to check what is new, but some light at the end of the tunnel at least.
Anyone else who has just been "casually" looking at the new versions opera:flags is where you need to look for "advanced" stuff apparently.
[Edit:] It's still kinda useless though, yeah stuff you put on the quick access bar is there, but still can't access anything else. Would have to work around it by putting all bookmarks in a new folder and add it to the quick bar I guess (but no tools to do that in the new version, so will have to do it in 12X and re-import). Still boggles the mind that it's taking so long to get basic stuff like bookmarks to a usable level (yeah yeah I know they don't care about us old-fashioned people).
Importing as speed dial folders seem to be the best option so far, but still feels very clunky with large folders, search helps though, maybe possible to get used to it...
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by sherool:
no tools to do that in the new version
Just Drag and Drop bookmarks and folders to move them around. Sort alphabetically to organise them.
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
I hate the speed dial and want to turn it of like you could on Presto. (I would rather have my new tabs completely empty.
You can delete all of the speed dials if you want. The search engine can be removed in Opera 19.
sherool last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by sherool:
no tools to do that in the new version
Just Drag and Drop bookmarks and folders to move them around. Sort alphabetically to organise them.
Yeah I meant if I want to see stuff in the "root" bookmarks folder it doesn't show up.
I see there is an option to import stuff into the quick access bar, but I have not organized everything neatly into folders so adding a few hundred individual bookmarks straight onto the quick access bar and then drag each one around individually would be a major hassle (my fault for being disorganized though). Organizing it first in an older version and then just importing the folders seems like a workable solution though.
Guess I'll spend a bit of time and see what I can do with it.
mortenoslash last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
I hate the speed dial and want to turn it of like you could on Presto. (I would rather have my new tabs completely empty.
You can delete all of the speed dials if you want.
I tried to do that, but still the box for adding speed dials remains, I am afraid.
Edit: ... and the Stash and Discover are still there too.
Originally posted by Pesala:
The search engine can be removed in Opera 19.
One more step to a truly empty tab. I will look forward to that.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by bjdobson:
Okay, call me stupid but WHAT are Opera Blink and Opera Presto?
Don't tempt me
Opera Blink
Your constant UN-answers and putdowns are getting tiresome, Pesala.
I know how to Google. I wanted an answer from someone who USED them. Too bad you just can't seem to understand that.
BOOKMARKS: There is a way to use a Chrome tool to have a bookmarks bar but it's definitely NOT the same as having the old bookmarks bar and requires a LOT more work.
You are not the end all and be all, Pesala. Some of us DO NOT LIKE the new way bookmarks MUST be used and wish a more convenient, easy way to do it, especially when you have HUNDREDS of bookmarks, like a lot of us do.
Try to be constructive, Pesala, in your answers, please. That would be very helpful
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by bjdobson:
Try to be constructive, Pesala, in your answers, please. That would be very helpful
My replies are always constructive, if rather irritating to lazy users. I did your work for you in finding info about Opera Blink, and showed you how to find information on the Web in the process. Your constant complaining on this forum is not helpful to anyone — in fact, it's really quite disruptive. When offered explanations, such as how to search with other search engines from the address bar, instead of complaining yet again and making snide comments elsewhere about dismissive remarks, acknowledge the help given, and use the tips provided for a while to see if they work for you. No one can tell you how to enable features that do not exist yet, so complaining at other users about it is only "biting the hand that feeds."
Originally posted by bjdobson:
There is a way to use a Chrome tool to have a bookmarks bar but it's definitely NOT the same as having the old bookmarks bar and requires a LOT more work.
The Quick Access Bar is almost identical to the old Bookmarks Bar, and even better in that it supports D&D.
mortenoslash last edited by
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
I miss the opportunity to move the tab bar to the bottom of the window. (I have two monitors, and usually have the browser in the upper monitor.)
I miss the opportunity to add buttons and functions to the address bar and to toolbars. (I frequently use some of the advanced functions of the browser.)
I miss the favourites/bookmarks, and I hate the speed dial and want to turn it of like you could on Presto. (I would rather have my new tabs completely empty.)
I miss being able to turn on the showing of the page size in the title bar.
I miss a real status bar.Other than that, the Blink seems OK, though I should like someone to make a skinn in classical Win9x style.
… and I miss the back button one could add (or replace with the existing back button) with a pulldown menu to go several steps back in one go. Practical for sites that often spins you forward a step or two when you follow a link. (I have not found any such on Opera 18)
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
… and I miss the back button one could add (or replace with the existing back button) with a pulldown menu to go several steps back in one go. Practical for sites that often spins you forward a step or two when you follow a link. (I have not found any such on Opera 18)
Me, too. I have several customized buttons I use ALL THE TIME that I really would miss if I were to go to Opera 18 or 19.
sherool last edited by
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
… and I miss the back button one could add (or replace with the existing back button) with a pulldown menu to go several steps back in one go. Practical for sites that often spins you forward a step or two when you follow a link. (I have not found any such on Opera 18)
Just keep the mouse button pressed down for about a second when clicking on the back button and said menu will appear.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by sherool:
Just keep the mouse button pressed down for about a second when clicking on the back button and said menu will appear.
Awesome!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!
mortenoslash last edited by
Originally posted by sherool:
Originally posted by MortenOSlash:
… and I miss the back button one could add (or replace with the existing back button) with a pulldown menu to go several steps back in one go. Practical for sites that often spins you forward a step or two when you follow a link. (I have not found any such on Opera 18)
Just keep the mouse button pressed down for about a second when clicking on the back button and said menu will appear.
This is like Christmas Day and Easter Morning in one go! Simple way to avoid the frustrations! I like it! Thank you!
kesetrum last edited by
Originally posted by wubo058:
I love presto
So Do I, as a html/css coder.
Right click, and disable certain script or covering header identification (mask as... Opera/IE/etc)...
I missed that feature on Presto.