Sync causes Opera to crash
Billystorm last edited by leocg
Opera Used to synchronize across All my computers.
Not Anymore - whenever i try to synchronize Now - the freakin browser locks up tight, and i have to goto task manager to get it shut down - And Then , i have to open Opera, and Quickly get into SETTINGS and turn Off synchronization, - once i do that, it's working "ok" again.
There's something really weird going on with Opera nowadays, and i hate like hell to have to bitch and complain about it, but it's a real Pisser when things that Used to work - Don't Anymore .
I can deal with the other "anomalies", but would somebody Please Fix Synchronization !
popiomondayz last edited by
he litterary just said that it worked just fine across multiple computers at firstyeah i think he is