General Suggestions and Requests Topic - Opera for Desktops
naeem last edited by
All i needed is to enable my flow ,that means we can send message to desktop by linking two desktop , i cant connect two or more desktop in my flow same account, and i need Features like volume master default for opera and check for problems in browser settings in opera://settings sidebar mans opera settings can be viewed in sidebar also sidebar google search or sidebar tabs can be enabled and disabled in settings as to the icon near also enable these settings run opera in computer startup , restore settings to default when i restart automatically sync for updates within option like enable 5 seconds automatically check for update or 30 seconds set time updating period , also enable make groups in my flow . also enable opera chat that we can chat with people having google or opera accounts also enable operaCloud for 20 GB free for people having accounts also enable disable all extensions options and enable all extension for opera also enable operascan for opera developer means that can scan your PC and Browser and check for malware ,antivirus , enable options like scan you pc full scan system files also enable opera lock that can be used to enter opera when only password is typed and correct also enable option like use superFast adblocker also enable autochange background in a folder or installed backgrounds . this is all we need in opera developer
superfrantv last edited by
first iam new here and don't know the rules, iam only want to share my idea.
iam from germany so please excuse me for bad english.The first thing I really see as a necessary feature is that you can fast-forward / rewind when opening video files in the browser, the second would be an arrow button with which you can play the next video file in the folder of the opened file you don't have to keep reopening the files if you want to see everything in a folder. This also applies to image files.
Another useful feature that Opera would do better than other browsers would be an integrated PDF editor, with which you can fill in text fields in PDF files and then save them.
Many thanks
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@superfrantv Regarding the video player, Opera most probably will have whatever Chromium has.
The same is valid for the PDF editor, Opera may have it if and when Chromium does have.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg It's sad what you convey to us - users. Your words bring on equally sad thought - is there in Opera anything what Chromium does not?
agentsmurf last edited by
@leocg I would love to see Custom Search Engine like Ecosia or Startpage would be supported
amatsuki555 last edited by
Opera on Linux does not have support for System Title Bars and Borders, nor does it provide support for the KDE Plasma Universal Menu Bar. I love Opera's features, but I believe the UI could be a little more configurable...
A Former User last edited by
Stop the increasing '73.0.3856.344' folder model, save current version as 'Old' or 'old-YYYY-MM-DD' and leave the updated version having the same details as the previous version, then we won't have to continually update Windows Firewall, or cookie preferences for each update
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I Guessed that, but it seems than many websites see the 'updated' version of Opera as a new browser connection, like Windows firewall does, and consequently ask you to set your cookie preferences, at least that's how I would explain it, as the sequence after each update is
- Windows Firewall askes you to confirm access permissions
- Sites you visit regularly (Bank, Shopping, etc) on next access ask you to set your cookie preferences, as they are regularly visited sites the settings are already in my cookie preferences, so it has to be the new browser version/identity that triggers the request?
A Former User last edited by
I have to start with saying that I'm really in love with the opera browser. It is the best one I have tried so far. But I'd like to see a view new features. Not because I think it will make Opera so much better. But because I'd really like to see these features.
Every time I visit a website, the site asks for the permission to show notifications. Since I disabled cookies the settings aren't saved. With time it gets really annoying if it's asking you like 50 times a day. So I'd like a feature that disables that.
I know it sound kinda useless but I'd like to have some kind of toolbox in the sidebar. Where, when you open it, different features appear. Like a calculator or so, translator or so. But that one would really be the bees knee. So not to important.
And last and probably least
. I'd like some designs for the sidebar or the one on the top. If you don't know what I mean, have a look at the browser called "Naver Whale".
Other than that the browser seems to be pretty perfect.
popiomondayz last edited by leocg
so uhh ive been thinking about opera windows and there is somthing thats been bothering me Allot its the fact that i cant change the sidebar/top bar collor
there are also other things like that the background music feature is only on the gx version
id also love to add My Own messengers in the sidebar
like idk... zoom? discord? ms teams?{not like id ever use it} many things like that and i think anything of that kind would be Awsome!!! -
jmdivine last edited by
Can you guys like make the touchbar for mac useful. Like for example youtube, instead of it just changing tabs maybe yall could like make it a slider like the one in safari. That slider is like the only reason i use safari lmfao but i think operas really nice so idk.
pschirki last edited by
Opera user since Opera existed on one 3,5" diskette here. I would like to request a feature to divide workspaces so that we are possible to use multiple log-ins. Would this be feasible?
Please keep up the good work!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@pschirki I'm a bit retarded. Would you mind share your views in more understandable details?
- Do you mean log-ins as profiles?
- Do you mean log-ins as Opera accounts?
- Do you mean log-in to, ekhm..., to what?
- Do you mean asking for "multiple log.ins":
1st workspace -> 1st profile = 1st account
2nd workspace -> 2nd profile = 2nd account
3rd workspace -> 3rd profile = 3nd account
1st workspace -> 1st profile = 1st account
2nd workspace -> 1st profile = 2nd account
3rd workspace -> 1st profile = 3nd account
1st workspace -> 1st profile = 1st account
2nd workspace -> 2nd profile = 1st account
3rd workspace -> 3rd profile = 1st account
P.S. I used 5" diskettes.
pschirki last edited by pschirki
Hi, i mean:1st workspace -> 1st profile = 1st account
2nd workspace -> 1st profile = 2nd account
3rd workspace -> 1st profile = 3nd accountbe like
1st workspace -> googleacc1, facebook acc1, etc.
2nd workspace - > googleacc2, facebook acc2, etc.but everything with the same Opera profile logged in if this would work.
On my first 5" were LHX Attack Chopper and Carrier Command
A Former User last edited by leocg
@pschirki Thanks. Anyway I'm still in fog of possibilities.
I had three accounts of Yandex services once. I cannot envision any hindrance today, to open them in 1 workspace or every account in one different workspace.
What your suggestion might bring into your habits of your work or improved efficiency in dealing with such monstrous number of accounts?.
Do you mean logical isolation of accounts? In what way? Similar to the Containers implemented in Firefox browser?
I'm open for all improvements to the idea of multiple workspaces as it is a truly brilliant one. You may open 24 of workspaces distributed in many windows as you like (n WS x 24). I use two or four (for testing purpose) windows on one screen as for now. Every window is populated with 6 WSs. Each of them can open different pages, despite the same workspace icons.
If Google discovers the same IP so what? Yandex knew my IP, it knew that the three accounts of mine were opened from the same place and the same PC. Nothing. It worked.
There is a requests for unique bookmark pools for every workspace. I'm not for it, but I accept that idea. Multiplying features, or in reality - increasing unnecessary complication of Opera application, isn't the best path for Opera improvement. In other words - I like to have a clear view of well proved rationale.
Summing up - I do not understand your idea.
Have a nice time!