Where is the Music Player special resource in Opera GX?
obyscureo last edited by
I've recently changed my default browser from opera to opera GX, but I can't find the music player feature, and I really miss it since I used it way too much. Can someone help me finding it?
Celticyoshi last edited by
@obyscureo hi, it’s not fully available yet, but it should hopefully be available soon, fingers crossed. In the meantime, if you go to opera://flags you can enable the feature but its not fully functional yet, but should hopefully be enabled by the dev team hopefully soon. I’m not a dev team member or an opera employee, but I also want this feature to become fully functional soon too! Hope this helps in some way.
naheed last edited by naheed
As @Celticyoshi has stated, you can't find the music player feature
because it is yet not fully available. But hope for the best and we will
have this feature soon. Also, you can post it in the suggestions. -
carnoval last edited by
Hey, i found out simple opera has the player feature on its side bar, but gx no!!! is there player on gx that isnt on? or thee isnt any player on gx i love player and gx if there isnt any player feature on gx i just....... im sad
johnston5129 last edited by leocg
it does absolutly nothing i was on you tube listening to music the panel did nothing>??????
ghosty0 last edited by
Will the music player from normal opera be added to opera gx? It could be very beautiful if added.
whitesphinx last edited by
I really like Opera GX more than opera, But regarding this matter I believe Opera is fairly superior, I have noticed that opera GX has twitch as an option while opera doesn't, Can't there be a way to have music such as spotify & youtube in the sidebar just like Opera? it would be a big win!!