Bitcoin Deposit not showing up in wallet.
Citizenflek last edited by
I made a bitcoin deposit to my browser wallet which now has 8 confirmations but still does not show in my wallet. I have double, triple checked the deposit address and when I view it on blockchain explorer it shows the correct balance and that it is unspent. Help me please.
naheed last edited by
If you have made a bitcoin deposit to your browser wallet but it is not shown in your wallet
then it might be due to the fact that your transaction is not yet confirmed on the bitcoin
network. You will see the funds in our wallet once the transaction has been confirmed. -
Citizenflek last edited by
@naheed it has been confirmed here are some screenshots along with transaction Id and deposit address
Citizenflek last edited by
Deposit Address 3Bm2BuEcMMZha74jK4WJkFp97bUJ4MeALE
Transaction hash
naheed last edited by
@citizenflek I am so sad about this.
Please follow the below link on Reddit, it may help you/r/Crypto_com/comments/hifazb/btc_deposit_confirmed_on_blockchain_but_not/